Image blog of installation views of paintings by Varda Caivano in The Encyclopedic Palace, Central Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale, curated by Massimiliano Gioni, on view through November 24, 2013.
The press release notes that "the painted palimpsests of Varda Caivano describe an inner world where natural forms overlap with imaginary presences." Gallery texts also describe that "Varda Caivano's modest paintings invite prolonged scrutiny and repay with intimate evocations that shift and grow with each viewing. Caivano's painting are undeniably of themselves yet they are also, unavoidably, touched by and suggestive of the world beyond the studio, beyond the gallery. We can view these canvases in procedural terms, for there is always a palpable, enlivening sense of the artist making decisions or changing course, deflecting quick resolutions or alighting on happy accidents that lead to another set of problems, more possible outcomes."