Elizabeth Wilson: Interview

Elana Hagler interviews painter Elizabeth Wilson whose work will be on view at Rosenfeld Gallery, Philadelphia from November 2 – November 23, 2014. Wilson comments: "For me, watching the sky is the most interesting, thought-provoking part of the landscape. Living in a suburb of Philadelphia, it’s rare to see large open spaces. I’m usually capturing […]

Helene Appel @ James Cohan

John Haber reviews a recent exhibition of works by Helene Appel at James Cohan Gallery, New York. Haber writes: "Appel prefers burlap or linen to canvas—a linen coarse enough than one can hardly miss it… The coarseness helps identify the painted surface with her subject matter, like that light gray fabric or a blue striped […]

Nicholas Krushenik: Early Paintings

Altoon Sultan blogs about Nicholas Krushenick: Early Paintings at Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, on view through October 11, 2014. Sultan writes: "used the elements of cartooning––bold colors, simple shapes, black outlines––to create vivid and inventive abstract paintings. [This] show of his early work… is a visual delight, with each painting exploring very different ideas […]

Robert Janitz: Oriental Lumber

Eric Sutphin reviews Robert Janitz: Oriental Lumber at Meyer Riegger, Berlin, on view through October 25, 2014. Sutphin writes that "Janitz shows a selection of his three favored forms: a plant sculpture made from cut sheet metal, a suite of portraits of the backs of heads and a selection of large format abstractions made from […]

Jane Freilicher @ Tibor de Nagy

Tim Keane reviews Jane Freilicher: Prints and Works on Paper at Tibor de Nagy, New York, on view through October 11, 2014. Keane writes: "Freilicher’s still-life paintings have a large-scale, panoramic quality associated with landscapes. Conversely, her landscapes focus on nature’s compactness and textures so that they convey the intimate solidities of still-life. The eleven […]

Deborah Zlotsky, Ward Jackson & Yoshiaki Mochizuki

Tamar Zinn blogs about three New York exhibitions: Deborah Zlotsky: It happened, but not to you at Kathryn Markel Fine Arts (through October 11), Ward Jackson: Black & White Diamonds 1960s at Minus Space, (through October 25) and Yoshiaki Mochizuki: Grey Noise at Marlborough Chelsea (through October 11). Zinn writes that "each artist reflects a […]

September New York Shows

Paul Corio weighs in on a diverse group of painting shows on view in New York in September including: Douglas Melini at Eleven Rivington (through October 5), George Hofmann and Ben Dowell at Ventana244 (through October 12), Tomma Abts at David Zwirner (through October 25), Helene Appel at James Cohan (through October 4), Morris Louis: Veils at Mnuchin Gallery […]

James Bishop: Interview

Alex Bacon and Barbara Rose talk to painter James Bishop on the occasion of his exhibition at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Bishop comments on close-value divisions of form in the paintings: "I don’t want to make a monochrome! I don’t want to make a square that’s all one […]

Paul Behnke: Interview

Brian Edmonds interviews painter Paul Behnke about his work. Behnke comments: "I’m mostly interested in a sense of conflict in the work – clashes of opposites, strife and competition among the forms. I use the way the paint is applied, high key color, and off-kilter, tension filled compositions made up of precarious and compressed forms, […]

Matthew Deleget: Politics & Abstract Painting

Sharon Butler blogs about the exhibition Matthew Deleget: False Positives at Outlet Fine Art, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, on view through October 5, 2014. Butler writes that Deleget "has never been particularly interested in traditional painting approaches such as wet-on-wet and glazing, color mixing, or other techniques that create the illusion of three dimensionality. Resolutely reductive, […]

Trevor Winkfield: Georges Braque & Others

Mario Naves reviews the book George Braque and Others: The Selected Art Writings of Trevor Winkfield, 1990–2009 published by The Song Cave. Naves notes that Winkfield is "prone to particular, not to say 'private,' enthusiasms and is keenly attuned to artists who are idiosyncratic or little known. Florine Stettheimer, Gerald Murphy, and Albert Pinkham Ryder […]

Darryl Hughto’s Modernism

John Link considers the work of painter Darryl Hughto. Link writes that the "gap between American modernism and European painting in general has largely been unbridged because of this antagonism toward subject matter. Thus a deep reservoir of feeling, passion, myth and even worthwhile sentiment has been given short shrift by our best painting… The […]

Morris Louis: Color/Space Saturation

Robert C. Morgan reviews Morris Louis: Veils at Mnuchin Gallery, New York, on view through October 18, 2014. Morgan writes: "… here in this revisited exhibition, the viewer may once again establish an interactive dialogue (in the nearly archaic terms of 'an aesthetic experience'), as viewers become the subject in relation to the object of […]

Ying Li & Stanley Lewis: Being There

Elaine Smollin writes about the work of painters Stanley Lewis and Ying Li. Lewis' work is on view at Betty Cuningham Gallery through October 25, 2014. Ying Li: From Michael's Window will be on view at The Painting Center from October 28, 2014 – November 23, 2014. Smollin notes that Lewis and Li's "orientations and […]

Geoffrey Dorfman @ Ober Gallery

John Goodrich writes about the paintings of Geoffrey Dorfman for a recent exhibition at Ober Gallery, Kent, Connecticut. Goodrich writes: "Words will forever fall short in conveying the visual and tactile expressions of painting. Yet it seems safe to say that, for Dorfman the first gestures of paint start the hope of uncovering meaningful forms; […]

Margrit Lewczuk: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Margrit Lewczuk. After a studio fire destroyed twenty-five years worth of work, Lewczuk re-invented her entire approach to painting. In the video she shows a surviving example of her earlier densely painted oil paintings and discusses how her painting process has evolved.

Angela Dufresne @ Monya Rowe

John Yau reviews Angela Dufresne: Let’s Stay Together at Monya Rowe Gallery, New York, on view through November 2, 2014. Yau writes: "as this exhibition proves, [Dufresne] has a remarkable narrative gift, which is different from being anecdotal, telling a story, or citing disparate cultural sources, all of which she has already done. Dufresne’s narratives […]

Magalie Guérin @ Corbett vs. Dempsey

Maria Girgenti reviews Magalie Guérin: re at Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago, on view through October 11, 2014. Girgenti writes: "Within Guérin’s artistic process, there is a journey that remains visible on the surfaces of her finished paintings. The artist begins with a form she has referenced as a variety of different objects: a chair, an […]

Bill Lynch @ White Columns

Andrianna Campbell reviews an exhibition of works by Bill Lynch (1960-2013), curated by Verne Dawson at White Columns, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Campbell writes: "A lambent quality suffuses Bill Lynch’s mostly untitled and undated paintings on scavenged plywood, executed during the last thirty years of his life. A furtive incandescence hovers […]

Todd Bienvenu: Interview

Jennifer Samet interviews painter Todd Bienvenu whose exhibition Borrowing Tomorrow's Fun is on view at Life on Mars Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, through September 28, 2014. Bienvenu comments: "In the recent Piero della Francesca show at the Frick there was a painting of a bishop wearing a cape covered with small images from the life of Christ […]