Chris Martin @ Anton Kern

James Kalm visits an exhibition of recent work by Chris Martin at Anton Kern Gallery, New York, on view through November 15, 2014. Kalm notes that the show "presents recent works, many completed over the summer. Color is pitched to an almost harsh level, and various materials, like tin foil and glitter, are employed to […]

Auden, Faulkner & Stanley Lewis

Thaddeus Radell reviews an exhibition of works by Stanley Lewis at Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Radell writes: "Of more interest … than Lewis’ prowess in amassing … seething layers of details is the dynamics that he employs to exceed both the details and the marks themselves. In this respect, […]

John L. Moore: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter John L. Moore. Writing about Moore's work in 2002, critic Lilly Wei noted: "New York artist John L. Moore continues to elaborate on his theme of mirrors and water in his recent paintings… There is an aspect of roughed-up Pop in his style, his sketchy, […]

Cathy Diamond: Interview

Valerie Brennan interviews painter Cathy Diamond. Diamond's work will be on view at Andre Zarre Gallery, New York, from November 11 – December 16, 2014. Diamond comments: "The line in art is the essential ingredient that inhabits my imagination. Forms can be branch-like, crazy-figurative hybrids, rocks, pillow-forms. Often they are unseen energy. The energy of […]

Rubens: Sensation & Sensuality

Julie Beckers reviews the exhibition Sensation and Sensuality: Rubens and his Legacy at BOZAR, The Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, on view through January 4, 2015. Beckers writes that "the much anticipated exhibition combines the 'sensational' – the forceful, loud, sometimes violent and barbaric scenes Rubens often created in the service of Catholic propaganda or […]

Arnold Mesches @ Life On Mars

Anthony Haden-Guest reviews Arnold Mesches: Next In Line: The FBI Series at Life On Mars Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, on view through November 2, 2014. Haden-Guest writes that "Mesches used the Freedom of Information Act to get his FBI files in 1999. He learned that the FBI had opened a file on him when he was […]

Helen O’Leary: Ideas and Influences

Sharon Butler posts artist Helen O'Leary's ideas and influences behind her recent work on the occasion of The Geometry of Dirt, an exhibition of O'Leary's work Irish Arts Center, New York, on view from October 14 – January 5, 2014. In an artist statement, O'Leary writes that her work "delves into my own history as […]

John Walker @ Alexandre Gallery

Thomas Micchelli reviews John Walker: Recent Paintings at Alexandre Gallery, New York, on view through November 15, 2014. Micchelli writes that the show "features seven large pictures as well as numerous smaller ones, including more than a dozen compact oils made on discarded Bingo cards, which the artist found in the former grange hall that […]

Doppler Shift

Joanne Mattera photoblogs a walkthrough of Doppler Shift, a group show featuring 27 artists, curated by Mary Birmingham, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, on view through January 18, 2015. The press release notes that the "works in Doppler Shift explore the illusion of difference between two- and three-dimensional space… [The] exhibition examines the relationship […]

Munro Galloway: Belief System

Alexandra Nicolaides reviews Munro Galloway: Belief System at Soloway Gallery, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on view through October 19, 2014. Nicolaides writes that the show "includes works on canvas, drawings and books, with Galloway moving fluidly between different media. The canvases are oil and acrylic, inkjet prints, or some combination of both; the drawings layer collage, ink […]

Tomma Abts @ David Zwirner

Meredith Hoffheins reviews Tomma Abts at David Zwirner, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Hoffheins writes that Abts’ "surfaces are pristine—barely a trace of the brush. She actually holds her work while she paints. The closeness she has with her work is palpable. Abts is known to take as long as one year […]

Anselm Kiefer’s Alchemy

Martin Gayford writes about the work of Anselm Kiefer on view at the Royal Academy, London, through December 14, 2014. Gayford notes: "In alchemy, lead was to be transmuted into gold, and Kiefer is intensely interested in alchemy – he admires the writings of the Jacobean English astrologer, cosmologist, cabbalist and alchemist Robert Fludd (1574-1637). His work, […]

Lester Johnson: Existentialism’s Matisse

Franklin Einspruch reviews Lester Johnson: Classical Themes at ACME Fine Art, Boston, on view through October 25, 2014. Einspruch writes: "Back in 1951, the linear, icy, detail-driven paintings of Lucian Freud prompted the critic Herbert Read to dub him the Ingres of Existentialism. Johnson may likewise have been existentialism’s Matisse, at least for a time. […]

John Zurier: Interview

Matthew Harrison Tedford interviews painter John Zurier on the occasion of his exhibition Matrix 255 at the Berkeley Art Museum, on view through December 21, 2014. Asked about the "idea of you working in a landscape rather than depicting the landscape," Zurier comments: "For me, you experience nature whole. It just comes to you. With […]

Three Americans in Postwar Paris

Joseph Nechvatal reviews the exhibition Trois Américains à Paris at Galerie 53 and Galerie Routes, Paris, on view through October 25, 2014. The show features works by John Levee, Joe Downing, John Franklin Koenig. Nechvatal writes: "The first thing I noticed was that the work exemplifies how being outside of one’s own (American) system, yet […]

David Schutter: Lingua Franca of Painterliness

Josephine Halvorson considers the work of painter David Schutter, most recently on view at Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago. Halvorson writes: "Convention is a subject of Schutter’s work. He interrogates paintings from the past, spending long periods of time in close proximity to them. Later, returning to his Chicago studio, Schutter re-enacts – on a like-sized […]

Jane Corrigan @ Kerry Schuss

John Yau reviews works by Jane Corrigan at Kerry Schuss Gallery, New York, on view through October 26, 2014. Yau writes: "The thing that strikes me about Corrigan’s paintings is the sympathy that she shows for her subjects, who seem to exist in a dream-like domain. They seem to be unaware that they are being […]

Dale McNeil: Interview

Valerie Brennan interviews painter Dale McNeil. McNeil comments: "I find writing quick notations, recording phrases, or making simple written lists often stimulates drawings that can become a portal to explore an idea in the form of a two-dimensional image. Most paintings are started with these preliminary drawings or informed by existing works. If feeling stifled […]

David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring

Natasha Kurchnova reviews David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through November 1, 2014. Kurchnova writes: "Hockney is a painters’ painter – he openly insists on the superiority of painting over photography in the truthfulness with which it renders the world. Photography, for him, is limited by a particular […]

Rachael Gorchov: Making Strange

Etty Yaniv blogs reviews the exhibition Rachael Gorchov: Making Strange at Tiger Strikes Asteroid, New York, on view through October 19, 2014. Yaniv writes that Gorchov’s “recent work at TSA resonates as an exemplar collection of exotic hybrid species in an alternate universe. Varying in size and placed in different vantage points from the top […]