William Conger: Beyond Image

Deven Golden reviews works by William Conger, organized by Saul Ostrow, at Studio Vendome Projects, New York, on view through October 24, 2014. Golden writes: "Simultaneously joyful and meditative, Conger’s paintings eschew anything that could be called outright representational. Yet consistently, insistently, they present a clearly identifiable space, albeit one defined by extremely flat perspective. […]

Genieve Figgis @ Half Gallery

O.C. Yerebakan reviews Genieve Figgis: Goodmorning, Midnight at Half Gallery, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Yerebakan writes that Figgis "conjures a particular reliance on and subversion of classic painterly formats by pioneers Francis Bacon to Jean-Henoré Fragonard, the latter being gloriously reminisced in The Swing after Fragonard. The scene is the same […]

Jo Ann Rothschild & David Fratkin

John Goodrich reviews Jo Ann Rothschild: An Important Day and David Fratkin: Apparitions on a Greyhound Bus at The Painting Center, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Goodrich writes that Fratkin's forms "glide about with considerable self-possession. Produced through an elaborate combination of painting and block-printing techniques, they exude a svelte intricacy. Organic […]

Mary Addison Hackett @ David Lusk

Joe Nolan reviews Mary Addison Hackett: Crazy Eyes at David Lusk Gallery, Nashville, on view through November 8, 2014. Nolan writes:"Hackett’s process is self-referential, with a wink at the viewer… The painting Studio Window encapsulates her project. Hackett paints what she sees when looking past the supplies and knickknacks that decorate a tabletop and windowsill—tree […]

Florine Stettheimer in Munich

Andrew Russeth reviews an exhibition of works by Florine Stettheimer at Lenbachhaus Kunstbau, Munich, on view through January 4, 2015. Russeth writes that the show "is joyous and illuminating, filled with rarely seen pictures that elegantly make the case that [Stettheimer] is one of the greatest artists of the 20th century and could serve as […]

Rembrandt: The Late Works

Simon Schama reviews Rembrandt: The Late Works at the National Gallery, London, on view through January 18, 2015. Schama writes: "It is a mistake to think of post-bankruptcy Rembrandt as bereft, destitute and ignored. He was always famous, if increasingly controversial; always able to count on supporters, admirers and long-suffering friends still optimistically hanging on […]

Amy Feldman @ Blackston

Howard Hurst reviews Amy Feldman: High Sign at Blackston Gallery, New York, on view through October 26, 2014. Hurst writes: Among the crop of painting shows that opened this season in New York, [this show] is particularly notable for its visual impact and irreverent sense of humor… Daubed quickly in vigorous gray paint, there is […]

Raphael Rubinstein on James Bishop

Raphael Rubinstein blogs about the work of painter James Bishop on the occasion of an exhibition of Bishop's paintings at David Zwirner, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Rubinstein writes: "Among major artists, Bishop may be the most elusive: his work either unseen or, if encountered at one of his excessively rare exhibitions, […]

Ward Jackson: Black & White Diamonds

James Kalm visits the exhibition Ward Jackson: Black and White Diamonds 1960s at Minus Space, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. The press release notes that Jackson said of his work: “The diamond shape (or square on end) has the meditative power of a mandala and expands in a way that an ordinary […]

Altoon Sultan @ McKenzie Fine Art

Tamar Zinn reviews an exhibition of works by Altoon Sultan at McKenzie Fine Art, New York, on view through November 16, 2014. Zinn writes that the show presents "an array of work by this versatile artist – intimate paintings executed in egg tempera, drawings on hand-toned paper, and hooked wool wall textiles. Although linked by […]

Susan Roth @ George Washington University

Carl Belz writes about the work of Susan Roth for an exhibition at at the Luther Brady Art Gallery, George Washington University, Washington D.C., on view from October 22 – January 30, 2015. Belz notes that: "While painterly, color-oriented drawing is varied and plentiful throughout the pictures, drawing wrought by arm and hand with brushes or […]

David Humphrey @ Fredericks & Freiser

Sharon Butler blogs about the exhibition David Humphrey: Work and Play at Fredericks & Freiser, New York, on view through November 8, 2014. Butler writes that Humphrey's "extraordinary installation … tells stories about our engagement with the world. It is a tour de force of eclecticism, expansiveness, and integration, unifying ostensibly disparate images through the […]

Jane Wilson @ DC Moore Gallery

Tim Keane reviews the exhibition Jane Wilson at 90: East Village/East End at DC Moore Gallery, New York, on view through November 1, 2014. Keane writes: "This show brings Wilson’s rarely seen cityscapes from the mid-1960s into meaningful dialogue with her sky-and-landscape paintings completed over the last twenty-five years. Through supple brushwork and radiating, overlaid chromatic […]

Daniel Herr: Studio Visit

Megan Liu Kincheloe visits the studio of painter Daniel Herr. Herr comments that "some of [the paintings] actually just start as a crude drawing of a figure, or a crude object, or a word, or I’ll have a picture I took some place to begin with as a compositional set ­piece. There’s kind of everything […]

Get Real

Lily Kuonen reviews Get Real: New American Painting, curated by Ben Thompson, at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Jacksonville, Florida. The show, on view through January 4, 2015, features works by Haley Hasler, Jason John, Andrea Kowch, Bryan LeBoeuf, Jenny Morgan, Kevin Muente, Frank Oriti, and Kevin Peterson. Kuonen writes "Consider the exhibition title […]

Alice Neel: Dark Star

Kathryn Hughes profiles painter Alice Neel on the occasion of the exhibition Alice Neel: My Animals and Other Family at Victoria Miro Mayfair, London, on view through December 19, 2014. Hughes writes that understanding Neel's personal tragedies and challenges made her life "difficult but uniquely nourishing for the kind of art she felt compelled to […]

El Greco & Pulzone @ the Frick

Lance Esplund reviews Men in Armor: El Greco and Pulzone Face to Face at The Frick Collection, on view through October 26, 2014. Esplund writes: "'Men in Armor' is an extraordinary show that builds dramatically when its paintings are allowed to speak for themselves, in dialogue, as they do here to great effect… Extremely detailed, […]

Constable @ the V&A
London Review of Books

Rosemary Hill reviews the exhibition Constable: The Making of a Master at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, on view through January 15, 2015. Hill writes: "The Hay Wain … recalls the pre-enclosure landscape of Constable’s childhood. Its setting, at noon, evokes a high point, a brief moment of stasis in the business of life or of […]

Goya: Order and Disorder

Franklin Einspruch reviews Goya: Order and Disorder at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, on view through January 19, 2015. Einspruch writes: "whatever Goya you hope to find, Goya the portraitist to nobility, Goya the satirist, Goya the mystic, Goya the moralist, Goya the recorder of history, Goya the painter to the Catholic Church, Goya […]

Cornelia Thomsen: Stripes and Structures

Robert C. Morgan reviews Cornelia Thomsen: Stripes and Structures at Leslie Feely Gallery, New York, on view through October 25, 2014. Morgan writes: "This highly original hard-edge painter and soft-edge draughtswoman has produced one of the more interesting exhibitions involving color, line, and form in the current enterprise of abstract painting. Her pictorial images, which […]