Victoria Morton @ The Modern Institute, Glasgow

Blog post on paintings by Victoria Morton at The Modern Institute, Glasgow on view through November 30. 2014. The show presents "a cycle of five large-scale oil paintings which specifically respond to the space in terms of their size and installation, offering a site for reflection. Each painting forms a narrative with the next. … […]

Marina Adams: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Marina Adams. Adams comments: "I don't like to dictate too much, I like to 'allow.' … [in abstract art] you create a space for thought as opposed to dictating a thought… The work feeds itself; the work leads me along. So in that respect it's […]

Jasper Johns @ Craig F. Starr

John Yau reviews Jasper Johns: Sculptures and Related Paintings at Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, on view through January 23, 2015. Yau writes: "One problem … as Barnaby Wright points out … is that Johns has never shown any affinity with 'the populist imagery of Andy Warhol or the ‘objective’ flatness of Frank Stella.' […]

Vincent Longo: Squaring the Circle

Mark Segal profiles painter Vincent Longo. Segal writes: "The square and the circle are fundamental elements of his work. 'I start with a certain kind of structure, the center relating to the edge at the same time.' The Buddhist mandala and Hindu yantra have been recurring motifs in his paintings, less for their symbolism than […]

Ann Craven: Interview

Ashley Garrett interviews artist Ann Craven, whose work is currently on view at Hannah Hofman Gallery, Los Angeles through December 20, 2014. Asked about working in series, Craven comments: "… in a way for me it’s like how a poet revisits a poem, and then wants to change a certain word or a comma or […]

Dana Gordon & Cathy Diamond: Color & Line

Ann Saul reviews works by Dana Gordon and Cathy Diamond at Andre Zarre Gallery, New York, on view through December 6, 2014. Saul writes that "Gordon’s canvases coax line and color to share importance in a display of exuberant abstraction. Executed with great precision, vivid colors and playful shapes are carefully arranged in Gordon’s thoughtful […]

Paul Behnke: Studio Visit

Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting visit the studio of painter Paul Behnke. Asked about the pleasure inherent in the experience of pure color, Behnke comments: "I think of my color as more anxiety… color can serve as a segue into the work… the color makes them more accessible… an then … when things settle down […]

Stuart Shils: Painting by Other Means

David Cohen considers the photographic works of painter Stuart Shils in an essay for the exhibition Stuart Shils: because i have no interest in those questions… at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, on view through December 21, 2014. Cohen writes: "Stuart Shils is a painter. His very being has come to be filtered through […]

Jenny Holzer: Dust Paintings

Viktor Witkowski blogs about Jenny Holzer: Dust Paintings, recently on view at Cheim & Read, New York. Witkowski writes: "Whenever politics enter painting, one of the questions that arises is how subject matter relates to form. Are there successful painting strategies in which something otherwise unseen can be made visible? Can paintings trigger political awareness? […]

Trevor Winkfield: Relentless Complexities

Thomas Devaney considers two recently published books: How I Became a Painter: Trevor Winkfield in Conversation With Miles Champion (Pressed Wafer) and George Braque and Others: The Selected Art Writings of Trevor Winkfield (The Song Cave). Devaney notes that "it is Winkfield’s recent books … which most attest to such a steadfast life of looking, […]

Julian Stanczak @ Mitchell-Innes & Nash

O.C. Yerebakan reviews Julian Stanczak: From Life at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York, on view through December 6, 2014. Yerebakan writes that: "Hallucinatory and subliminal arrangements of forms and colors create absorbing works of art, in which the artist delivers his viewers the freedom to build their own interpretations and narratives rather than imposing thematic […]

Ann Lofquist: Interview

Larry Groff interviews painter Ann Lofquist whose work was recently on view at Craig Krull Gallery, Santa Monica. Lofquist comments: "I think many of us have had the experience of a stab of joy and longing when looking at nature; I certainly have and I’m trying to recapture those moments in my paintings… the ever-changing […]

Gladys Nilsson: Interview

Nicole Rudick interviews artist Gladys Nilsson about her work, on view at Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, through December 6, 2014. Nilsson comments: "Sometimes my people [in the works] know exactly what’s going on, and other times they’re just going along and suddenly they realize that there are little corner pockets that have some awfully […]

Christian Vincent @ Ann Nathan

Chris Miller reviews works by Christian Vincent at Ann Nathan Gallery, Chicago, on view through December 21, 2014. Miller writes "Vincent’s figuration appears more like casual photography than any classic, naturalistic or expressive genre of painting. The surfaces glow like a movie screen. The pictorial space is dry and flat—sometimes resembling the scenic views found […]

Gladys Nilsson @ Garth Greenan

John Yau reviews Gladys Nilsson at Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, on view through December 6, 2014. Yau writes that the works might drive away "those who want things simply and clearly spelled out for them. They run away from confusion and contradiction because they might not want to acknowledge how much of that is in […]

Lisa Sanditz: Interview

Ashley Garrett interviews painter Lisa Sanditz about her work. Sanditz comments: "Sometimes I make [the paintings] on location… And then I also sometimes work on the studies when I’m trying to figure out how to resolve something… Obviously memory and imagination are both a part of it –there are no faithful photographic renderings in the […]

Masterpieces from the Scottish National Gallery @ The Frick
New York Sun Arts

Simon Carr reviews Masterpieces from the Scottish National Gallery at The Frick Collection, New York, on view through February 15, 2014. Carr writes that the show “is a feast… in this small yet broad selection of jewels from Scotland, the standouts are canvases by Antoine Watteau, John Constable, Thomas Gainsborough and John Singer Sargent… For […]

Farrell Brickhouse: Interview

James Kalm visits Farrell Brickhouse: Recent Paintings at Life on Mars Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, on view through December 7, 2014. Kalm's video includes fantastic close-ups of Brickhouse's visceral paintings. He films the tour of the exhibition while talking to Brickhouse about his work. Asked what he finds appealing about working in oil, Brickhouse comments: "One […]

Thomas Hart Benton’s America Today Mural

Charles Kessler blogs about Thomas Hart Benton's America Today Mural Rediscovered at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, on view through April 19, 2015. Kessler writes: "I always had a hard time with Benton. I loved Abstract Expressionism and, as if I couldn't like them both, I considered Benton's work to be hokey and […]

Emyr Williams: Studio Visit

John Bunker, Anthony Smart, Anne Smart, Robin Greenwood, Sarah Greenwood, Alexandra Harley, Patrick Jones, Sam Cornish, Mark Skilton, Hilde Skilton, and Nick Moore visit the studio of painter Emyr Williams. Alexandra Harley: The "passage of colour isn’t just pure. It may be a pure colour all the way through but the juxtapositions of the other […]