Nina Nielsen @ Bow Street Gallery

Addison Parks blogs about the paintings of Nina Nielsen on the occasion of her recent exhibition at Bow Street Gallery, Lincoln, MA. Parks writes: "In her textured dream-like paintings … Nielsen shows us something. She gives us something. A peek at something. A vision of sorts… [these paintings] have that sense of themselves; that completeness; […]

Painting at the Miami Art Fairs

Joanne Mattera photo blogs a selection of paintings from the Miami Art Fairs. Mattera notes: "There was a lot of painting at the fairs. A lot. Figuration and abstraction, gestural and geometric, contemporary and modern, young artists and veteran painters, from blue-chip galleries and emerging dealers… [this selection is] fairly representative of some trends, including […]

The Strategic Now: Contemporary Painting @ MoMA

Sharon Butler reviews The Forever Now: Contemporary Painting in an Atemporal World at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, on view through April 5, 2015. The show features works by works by Richard Aldrich, Joe Bradley, Kerstin Brätsch, Matt Connors, Michaela Eichwald, Nicole Eisenman, Mark Grotjahn, Charline von Heyl, Rashid Johnson, Julie Mehretu, […]

Late Turner: Painting Set Free

John Barrell reviews Late Turner: Painting Set Free at Tate Britain, on view through January 25, 2015. Barrell writes that Turner "was an artist fully engaged in his time, anxious to communicate what he believed were important truths about the (then) modern world, but anxious too to sell work and to attract new commissions. His […]

Pat Passlof: Restating the Question of Meaning

David Loncle reviews Pat Passlof: Paintings from the 1950s at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, on view through December 20, 2014. Loncle writes that Passlof "is, by the early 50's, fully contending with the '…world of artist concerns…' introduced by de Kooning and the eclectic cadre of artists in the downtown enclave. These paintings grapple […]

John Ashbery on Jane Freilicher

Reprint of a classic John Ashbery review of Jane Freilicher's 1975 show at Fischbach Gallery, New York. Freilicher passed away earlier this week. Ashbery notes that: "The swift transition from style to style is one of the most remarkable things in Freilicher's painting. The denotative and connotative jostle each other, with no fixed boundaries; a […]

Brian Cypher: Interview
Painter's Bread

Michael Rutherford interviews painter Brian Cypher. Cypher comments that the work "starts with being open to the observation of everything at all times. It's important for me to have lots of different work happening all at once. I start with unknown marks and it goes on from there; it all begins with an idea that […]

Robert Motherwell on Paper

Tim Keane reviews Robert Motherwell: Works on Paper 1951-1991 at Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, on view through January 3, 2015. Keane writes that the show "testifies to that still-radical modernist belief that an artist should try for a maximum degree of innovation on behalf of a totally personalized expression. And there is enough varied, […]

The Forever Now: Contemporary Painting @ MoMA

James Kalm video blogs a walkthrough of The Forever Now: Contemporary Painting in an Atemporal World at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, on view from December 14, 2014–April 5, 2015. The show features works by works by Richard Aldrich, Joe Bradley, Kerstin Brätsch, Matt Connors, Michaela Eichwald, Nicole Eisenman, Mark Grotjahn, Charline […]

Neo Rauch: Interview

Sabine Russ interviews painter Neo Rauch on the occasion of his exhibition At the Well at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, on view through December 20, 2014. Rauch comments: " …my personnel are closely interwoven with natural processes. This is a precondition that I have to impose on the entire painting from the start as […]

John Zurier: Color, Light & Memory

Rachel Howard profiles painter John Zurier whose work is on view at the Berkeley Art Museum through December 21, 2014. Zurier comments: "Elmer [Bischoff] gave me this idea that you could find the color tone of the painting — all the colors work together to create a very specific tone, and once that’s found, you […]

Emily Gherard: Interview

Erin Langner interviews painter Emily Gherard. Gherard comments: "I am realizing more and more how important that physicality is to my actual practices. I think it is really fundamentally crucial. My techniques started off as ways to create a particular kind of layer, and they often had connections to the content; the forms that I […]

Albert York @ Matthew Marks

Christian Viveros-Fauné reviews works by Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, on view through December 20, 2014. Viveros-Fauné notes that "York made pictures that appeared both essential and out of date the moment they were exhibited. From his first show in 1962 until his death in 2009, York carried on a reclusive love […]

Ashley Norwood Cooper: Interview

Chris Lowrance interviews painter Ashley Norwood Cooper about her work. Cooper discusses her series of paintings made during her husband's deployment to Afghanistan. The paintings depict Cooper holding the iPad she used to talk to her husband each day: "…I started to realize that this electronic correspondence really was my experience of [his] deployment. … […]

Jane Freilicher (1924-2014)

William Grimes writes about painter Jane Freilicher who passed away December 9, 2014. Grimes writes: "Although Ms. Freilicher … studied with Hans Hofmann , the influential teacher and theorist of abstraction, she put her expressionist style of paint-handling and all-over approach to the canvas at the service of recognizable images, a course that made her […]

Giovanni Battista Moroni

Angeria Rigamonte di Cuto reviews works by Giovanni Battista Moroni on view at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, through January 25, 2015. A tension between “inside” and “outside” is at the forefront of Moroni’s portraiture, a field he made all his own… At the time, Moroni’s attempts to document the visible were not necessarily […]

Jack Tworkov: Drawing the Figure

Chris Miller reviews Jack Tworkov: Drawing the Figure at Valerie Carberry Gallery, Chicago, on view through January 10, 2015. Miller writes: "This first-generation American seemed less interested in pushing the boundaries of art and taste than in exploiting every new opportunity for expressing and valorizing his restless, rootless self in an ever-changing world. Life drawing, […]

Richard Pousette-Dart at Pace

Steven Alexander blogs about paintings by Richard Pousette-Dart on view at Pace Gallery, New York through January 10, 2015. Alexander writes: "Not unlike the severity and radically of Rothko's last work, these paintings are an important departure from Pousette-Dart's earlier gestural works, and a tougher, highly simplified elaboration of his more overtly 'cosmic' pointillist paintings […]

Ann Gale: Interview

Larry Groff interviews painter Ann Gale about her work. Gale's paintings will be on view at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York in January. Gale comments: "I am very curious and sometimes obsessive about observation … The search becomes part of the subject of the painting. The figure is so familiar, it is challenging […]

Lauren Britton on Edvard Munch

Lauren Britton considers Edvard Munch's The Sun (1910). Britton writes: "Munch painted and re-painted this piece throughout his career on different surfaces. The Sun was a reliable painting. Munch could enter and re-enter it, tumble and turn with it. He threw himself into the sun like a boomerang and it shot him out somewhere new each […]