Six New York Shows

James Panero reviews Gary Petersen: Not Now, But Maybe Later at Theodore:Art (through Feb 22), Philip Taaffe at Luhring Augustine Bushwick (April 26), Through the Valley: New Paintings by Devin Powers at Lesley Heller Workspace (closed), Fran O’Neill: Painting Her Way Home at Life on Mars (through Feb 15), Sideshow Nation III: Circle the Wagons […]

Tal R: Altstadt Girl

James Kalm video blogs a close look at the paintings on view in the exhibition Tal R: Altstadt Girl at Cheim & Read, New York, on view through February 14, 2015. Kalm observes that the paintings developed out of the artist's "habit [of making] drawings of strangers in local hotel rooms. References to art historic […]

Abstract Painting in NYC

Paul Corio pens a great round up of recent and current abstract painting shows in New York, including: Warren Isensee at Danese Corey (through Feb 7), January (group show) at Mixed Greens (through Feb 14), Dan Walsh at Paula Cooper, Kellyann Burns at McKenzie Fine Art (through Feb 8), Cheyney Thompson at Andrew Kreps (through […]

Park, Diebenkorn, & Bischoff: Interiors & Places

John Seed blogs about Interiors and Places: David Park, Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff at Hackett | Mill Gallery, San Francisco, on view through March 27, 2015. Seed writes that the show "brings together a selection of 13 paintings by the three founding members of the Bay Area Figurative Movement: David Park, Richard Diebenkorn and Elmer […]

Ann Gale @ Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects

John Yau reviews paintings by Ann Gale at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, on view through February 15, 2015." Yau writes that "Gale’s ostensible subject is the record of an encounter between her and someone else, whether it is a model or her own face, which she presumably uses a mirror to scrutinize. […]

Peter Blume: Nature & Metamorphosis

Mario Naves reviews Peter Blume: Nature and Metamorphosis at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, on view through April 12, 2015. Naves writes: "Those with a memory that extends beyond the day-glo verities of Pop Art may recall the name Peter Blume and, if so, perhaps dismissively. He’s typically lumped with the Magic Realists, […]

Anne Tabachnick: Enigmas of the Visible

Tim Keane reviews Anne Tabachnick: Object as Muse at Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York, on view through February 7, 2015 . Keane writes: "Since her death in 1995 at the age of 67, critics have described [Tabachnick's] body of work as one that paid ongoing, passionate homage to Henri Matisse. But this is only […]

Dan McCleary: Every Day Sacred

Christopher Knight reviews Dan McCleary: Every Day Sacred at the USC Fisher Museum, on view through March 7, 2015. Knight writes that McCleary's "style is part Piero della Francesca, whose crystalline Renaissance paintings stripped away visual disorder to impose simplified geometries with a timeless aura. And it is part Alex Katz, modern master of billboard-style […]

Van Gogh in the Borinage

Jackie Wullschlager reviews Van Gogh in the Borinage: The Birth of an Artist at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons, on view through May 17, 2015. Wullschlager writes: "Van Gogh called these forcefully expressive yet poignantly delicate paintings 'interpretations in colour'. The monumental twin figures in 'The Diggers' are silhouetted like cutouts, lit by a […]

Rough Cut @ Morgan Lehman

Patrick Neal reviews Rough Cut at Morgan Lehman Gallery, New York, curated by Jennifer Samet and Elizabeth Hazan, on view through February 7, 2015. The show features works by Alexi Worth, Amy Park, Bryan Osburn, Carrie Moyer, Elizabeth Hazan, Jennifer Sirey, Sangram Majumdar, and Trevor Winkfield. Neal writes that the exhibition "pairs artworks with the […]

Jack Bush Retrospective

Ken Carpenter reviews Jack Bush at The National Gallery of Canada, on view through February 22, 2015. Carpenter writes that in the exhibition catalogue (which features essays Marc Mayer, Sarah Stanners, Adam Welch, and Karen Wilkin): "Both Mayer and Welch put to rest the canard that Bush was 'an aesthetic marionette' unduly under the influence of […]

Contemporary Painting: Forever Now

John Haber reviews The Forever Now: Contemporary Painting in an Atemporal World at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, on view through April 5, 2015. The show features works by works by Richard Aldrich, Joe Bradley, Kerstin Brätsch, Matt Connors, Michaela Eichwald, Nicole Eisenman, Mark Grotjahn, Charline von Heyl, Rashid Johnson, Julie Mehretu, […]

Kellyann Burns & Siri Berg

Tamar Zinn blogs about two exhibitions: Kellyann Burns at McKenzie Fine Art (through February 8) and Siri Berg: Color and Space at Hionas Gallery (through February 7). Zinn writes that both shows "offer a glimpse of different approaches within the realm of geometric abstraction and make evident the limits of trying to define this tradition […]

William Blake @ the Ashmolean Museum

T.J. Clark reviews William Blake: Apprentice and Master at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, on view through March 1, 2015. Clark writes: "I am not at all sure that we have an answer to it as regards Blake as an artist: a critical answer, that is, a set of descriptions and evaluations, arguing not just about […]

Madame Cézanne @ the Met

Xico Greenwald reviews Madame Cézanne at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, on view through March 15, 2015. Greenwald writes: "Though this exhibit is, indeed, marvelous, [curator Dita] Amory’s revisionist history is a distraction. Claiming 'a tender interchange' can be detected in Madame Cézanne’s gaze, museumgoers searching for signs of affection in these portraits […]

Andrew Seto: The After Life of Paintings

Seto’s paintings never completely disavow the natural world for a purely intellectual one, existing instead as an open means of representation situated somewhere between.

Philip Taaffe @ Luhring Augustine Bushwick

James Kalm visits an exhibition of new paintings by Philip Taaffe at Luhring Augustine Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York, on view through April 26. 2015. Kalm notes: "This selection of five large scale paintings presents the artist's signature techniques a melding of print, staining, silkscreen and other applications of pigment that produce a unique and decorative […]

Margrit Lewczuk: Being & Nothingness

Addison Parks writes about the work of Margrit Lewczuk. Lewczuk's show Me,We, curated by Suzy Spence is on view at The Gallery @1GAP, Brooklyn through April 23, 2015. Parks writes: "Lewczuk paints monuments. To some being. To some Beingness. Like some extraterrestrial landing strip, like crop circles from space, with deafening sound, she reaches out. […]

Ad Reinhardt: Twelve Rules for a New Academy

Ad Reinhardt’s Twelve Rules for a New Academy is the latest post in the ARTNews “Retrospectives” column. Alex Greenberger introduces the text writing: “Much of today’s discussion of contemporary abstraction is centered on ‘Zombie Formalism’—Walter Robinson’s coinage for new work that revisits (or apes, one might say) historical forms of abstraction for purely stylistic reasons. […]

Roger Tibbetts: Making & Meaning

An essay Carl Belz written for the exhibition Roger Tibbetts: Making and Meaning at the Edward Mitchell Bannister Gallery, Rhode Island College, Providence, on view through February 20, 2015. Belz writes: "Becoming and being. Thus paired, the paintings rightly assume dynamic vitality for us, but the pairing at the same time risks allowing the impression […]