Gwenn Thomas

Raphael Rubinstein profiles artist Gwenn Thomas. Rubinstein writes: "It turns out that these paintings haven’t been 'painted' at all. Thomas’s process involved first making small collages from strips of paper, packing tape, cardboard, and corrugated plastic, which she then photographed with an 8-by-10-inch camera. The next step took place in a commercial photo studio with […]

Women of Abstract Expressionism

Jillian Steinhauer previews Women of Abstract Expressionism which will be on view at the Denver Art Museum from June 12, 2016 – September 25, 2016, and talks to the exhibition’s organizer, Gwen Chanzit about the show. Chaznit comments: "Most [of the exhibited artists] were not fully acknowledged in their time. Though many showed in exhibitions along […]

Helen O’Leary @ Lesley Heller Workspace

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy talk with artist Helen O'Leary at her exhibition Delicate Negotiations, on view at Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, through October 18, 2015. O'Leary remarks: "I have a full history of painters in my head that I'm thinking about… and it's my way of coming to that language through a very […]

Julie Sass @ Third Space

Allie Biswas reviews Julie Sass: Be-Bop Your Visual Acts (Shared Space) at Third Space, Copenhagen, Denmark, on view through September 27, 2015. Biswas notes that "[Sass's] display consists of works on paper as well as paintings, of which the majority are diminutive (the size of a large notepad). The exceptions to this are a couple […]

Katherine Bernhardt: Interview

Dylan Kerr interviews Katherine Bernhardt on the occasion of her exhibition Pablo and Efrain at Venus over Manhattan, on view through October 24, 2015. Bernhardt comments: "I’m thinking more about daily life, about products and things that we use. I’m thinking about stuff at the deli, things like that… They’re just good colors and shapes. […]

Pissarro on Paper

Mahjabeen Syed highlights a "one week only" exhibition of works on paper by Camille Pissarro at L’Alliance Française de Chicago, on view through September 24, 2015. Dana Gordon argued for the Pissarro's importance in his article Justice to Pissarro, published in 2013 on Painters' Table.

Lani Irwin: Interview

Larry Groff and Tina Engels interview painter Lani Irwin. Asked about her working method Irwin comments "There is no set method. Rarely do I make preliminary drawings, never do I plan out a painting in any formal way. I spend a lot of time staring at the blank canvas. In the end I must just […]

Anne Smart: Studio Visit

As part of the Brancaster Chronicles annual studio visit series, John Pollard, Alexandra Harley, David Lendrum, Helga Joergens-Lendrum, Robin Greenwood, Sarah Greenwood, Anthony Smart, Hilde Skilton, Mark Skilton, Noela James, John Bunker, Patrick Jones participate in a group studio visit with painter Anne Smart.

What Caillebotte is All About

Xico Greenwald reviews Gustave Caillebotte: The Painter's Eye at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., on view through October 4, 2015. Greenwalk writes: "Though Caillebotte painted numerous views of Haussmann’s Paris, 'Paris Street, Rainy Day' is the showstopper. In a letter to Monet, Caillebotte wrote 'the very great artists attach you even more to […]

Jackie Saccoccio: Paints Big

Thomas Micchelli reviews Jackie Saccoccio: Degree of Tilt at Eleven Rivington (through October 18) and Van Doren Waxter, New York (through October 23). Micchelli writes: "If the Abstract Expressionists sought to vanquish the focal points of traditional painting through a balanced fragmentation of the picture plane, Saccoccio does the opposite. Rather than rely on Cubist […]

Sara Bright: Frescoes

Megan Abrahams profiles painter Sara Bright whose exhibition of abstract frescoes is on view at George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, through October 10, 2015. Abrahams writes: "In her beguiling new series of moveable frescoes, Los Angeles artist Sara Bright renders an abstract allusion to poetry. During the last year, Bright has devoted herself to this […]

Pollock’s Mural: Energy Made Visible

Anna McNay reviews Jackson Pollock's Mural: Energy Made Visible at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, on view through November 16, 2015. McNay writes: "Mural (1943) expounds a tension between emotional outburst and Pollock’s command of style, form and handling – something he maintained, even in his apparently automatic and uncontrolled pouring works to come. There […]

Sickert in Dieppe

Mark Sheerin speaks to curator Katy Norris about the exhibition Sickert in Dieppe, on view at Pallant House, Chichester through October 4, 2015. "The 25-year-old Sickert was an apprentice of Whistler. But in Dieppe he fell under the influence of Degas… It was Degas who felt himself to be the better role model [than Whistler] […]

Suzan Frecon: Light & Liminality

David Rhodes reflects on a recent exhibition of paintings by Suzan Frecon at David Zwirner Gallery, New York. The exhibition catalogue, with an essay by David Cohen was recently published by the gallery. Rhodes writes: "Throughout the exhibition, movement of the brush and bleeds of oil from one color to the next are far from […]

Susan Jane Walp & Scott Brodie

Patrick Neal reviews Susan Jane Walp, Paintings on Paper at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York (through October 17) and Scott Brodie, Then & Now: Retrospective at Albany Center Gallery, Albany, NY (through October 3). Neal observes that "[Walp's] sensibility as a painter and the paintings she makes feel resolutely bound together drawing the viewer […]

Mimi Lauter @ Shane Campbell Gallery

Alan Pocaro reviews Mimi Lauter: Carnival of Musical Echo at Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, on view through October 3, 2015. Pocaro writes that Lauter's works "are a rare combination of frenzied, physical immediacy tempered by meticulous formal complexity, and feature an elusive narrative with roots in modernist literature and biblical allegory. These gorgeous, large-scale pastel […]

Kyle Staver @ Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects

John Yau reviews Kyle Staver: Tall Tales at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, on view through October 11, 2015. Yau writes: "By revising a variety of well-known myths, and focusing on a moment other than the ones we are familiar with, Staver seems intent on positing a fresh angle, another possibility regarding our […]

Lisa Adams @ CB1 Gallery

Tracey Harnish blogs about Lisa Adams: America The Beautiful at CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles, on view through October 31, 2015. Harnish writes: "Lisa Adams takes us down a familiar path that is strewn with objects both mundane and transmogrified; the commonplace is ruptured by banalities… Adams has clearly reached for new territory in this show, […]

Charles Pollock @ the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Viktor Witkowski blogs about Charles Pollock: A Retrospective at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, on view through September 14, 2015. Witkowski writes: "A similar [to Jackson Pollock and Thomas Hart Benton], if stylized, reach toward the edges can be observed in the paintings by Charles Pollock that he finished during his second sabbatical year in […]

Rebecca Morris: Interview

Rebecca Morris talks with curator Kate MacNamara on the occasion of the exhibition Rebeca Morris: Rose Cut at 365 S. Mision Road, Los Angeles (through November 1, 2015). Morris comments: "I paint with the works flat on the floor and then they need to come up so I can look at them. This looking time […]