Rose Wylie: In the Studio

Fiona Maddocks profiles painter Rose Wylie whose work will be on view at Turner Contemporary, Margate (January 12 – March 13) and at Chapter, Cardiff (February 13 – May 29). Maddocks writes: "[Wylie's] eclectic inspirations include Almodovar and Tarantino, as well as Egyptian art, Pompeii, fashion, jewels, regalia, uniforms. She has also painted, less typically […]

Munch : Van Gogh

Anna McNay reviews Munch : Van Gogh at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, on view through January 17, 2016. McNay writes: "While both painters’ lives were filled with anguish, their paintings remain somehow appealing and accessible to the masses, not just because of the bright colours and often simplified compositions, but because of the depth of […]

Hearne Pardee: Interview

Sarah Granett interviews painter Hearne Pardee. Pardee comments: " I combine work inside and outside the studio. I’m really concerned with perception, with observing, through painting on site, which I then combine and edit in the studio. That editing process goes in two directions. One is going in and dissecting the painting by using colored […]

Jacqueline Humphries in New Orleans

Scott Indrisek reviews a show of works by Jacqueline Humphries at the Contemporary Art Center of New Orleans, on view through February 28, 2016. Indrisek writes; "Upstairs, a gallery outfitted with black lights provides a coolly psychedelic environment for a series of canvases painted with ultraviolet enamel pigments. What might have been a nifty gimmick is […]

Olivier Mosset in Conversation

Christopher Howard reports on a recent conversation between Olivier Mosset and Marie Heilich at Parapet/Real Humans, Saint Louis. Howard writes: "Mosset affably stated that he has no strategy, does what he wants, and cannot control trends. 'I’m basically interested in abstract painting,' he said, and somehow people are attracted to what he does. Heilich questioned […]

Nathan Pankratz @ Bridgette Mayer Gallery

Marvin Aguilar writes about the work of Nathan Pankratz which was recently on view at Bridgette Mayer Gallery, Philadelphia. Aguilar writes: "Looking at the titles, the show is undeniably an homage to love and how it reveals itself to people. Yet the show also is a metaphor for the artist’s love of interacting with paint. […]

Erik Parker: Interview

Kim Connerton interviews artist Erik Parker on the occasion of his exhibition Undertow at Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, on view through January 23, 2016. Parker comments: "I am trying to pack as much into a painting as I can … I am trying to make loaded paintings because we live in a loaded time… […]

Liubov Popova, an Homage

Joyce Kozloff considers the work of Liubov Popova. Kozloff writes: "After the passage of a full century, shouldn’t we recognize the uniqueness of a [Varvara] Stepanova or [Nadezhda] Udaltsova as readily as we do with [an Alexander] Rodchenko or El Lissitzky? Over the years, I have returned again and again to Liubov Popova, whose art […]

John Phillip Abbott’s Choice Words

Claude Smith profiles painter John Phillip Abbott, whose work is the subject of two exhibitions: Turquoise Sunset at Devening Projects + Editions, Chicago (on view from January 10 – February 13, 2016) and On Any Sunday at Pierogi Gallery, New York, (on view from January 8 – February 7, 2016). Smith writes: "'Tennis,' 'Cosmos,' 'Pontiac,' 'Zen,' […]

Jennifer Coates: Studio Visit

Maria Calandra visits the studio of painter Jennifer Coates. Calandra notes: "Coates is a painter's painter. She evokes the chaos of Pollock's drips in one canvas and divides a grilled cheese or doughnut down the middle like Barnett Newman's 'zips' in another, while the landscape between two cookies of an ice-cream sandwich oozes with the […]

Cole Carothers, Pragmatist on the Run

Jane Durrell profiles painter Cole Carothers. Durrell writes: "What is happening here is that [Carothers], trained when Abstract Expressionism ruled the art schools, in his own work turns to representational depiction and makes abstraction an ingredient but not the reason for being. Carothers’ paintings pull the viewer in, are not quite literal so produce the […]

Ruth Root: Interview

Allie Biswas interviews Ruth Root on the occasion of Root's exhibition Old, Odd and Oval at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut, on view through April 3, 2016. Root comments: "'Odd', to me, means 'hard to describe'. The paintings are almost like flattened sculptures that have been turned into paintings. Otherwise, they could be […]

Lisa Yuskavage: Interview

Robert Moeller interviews painter Lisa Yuskavage on the occasion of her exhibition The Brood, recently on view at the Rose Museum at Brandeis University. The show will be on view at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis from January 15 – April 3, 2016. Yuskavage comments: "There are entrenched prejudices against all things female, and […]

Robert Motherwell: Elegies @ the de Young

Patricia Albers reviews Between Life and Death: Robert Motherwell's Elegies in Bay Area Collections at the de Young Museum, San Francisco, on view through March 6, 2016. Albers writes: "Among the most powerful in the de Young’s exhibition is SFMOMA’s 7 x 9-foot oil and charcoal Elegy to the Spanish Republic, No. 57. Here, as […]

Doron Langberg & Gaby Collins-Fernandez

David Carrier reviews a recent show of works by Doron Langberg and Gaby Collins-Fernandez at at Danese/Corey, New York. Carrier writes: "A little suspicious of the intrinsic power of visual images, Collins-Fernandez … turns to words, gathered from overheard city conversations, and fabrics, materials that have a very different visual identity… Her materials, she rightly […]

Joyce Pensato: Interview

Arthur Peña interviews painter Joyce Pensato on the occasion of the exhibition FOCUS: Joyce Pensato at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, on view through January 31, 2016. Pensato comments: "I’m taking the ways of Abstract Expressionism in the way I apply paint but I don’t censor pop culture from my work. I’m combining […]

Andrea del Sarto @ the Frick Collection

Rachel Schwartz reviews Andrea del Sarto: The Renaissance Workshop in Action at the Frick Collection, New York, on view through January 10, 2016. Schwartz writes that the show "offers a rare chance to explore the drawn sources of this artist’s paintings… The works range from schematic sketches of multiple figures with faces, hands, and feet […]

Thoughts on Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015)

Jeff Jahn remembers painter Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015). Jahn writes: "As one of my favorite artists what I appreciated most in Kelly's work was his way of sharing the otherwise impossible world of pure, concentrated observation. As subjectivity demands, conveying what one individual apprehends necessitates a kind of distillation and transposition into abstraction. Usually something is […]

Amy Weiskopf on Carlo Carra

Amy Weiskopf writes about Carlo Carra's, Natura Morta con la Squadra (1917) in the Museo del Novecento, Milan. Weiskopf begins: "If Pompeian still life frescos and Cubist still life paintings had a baby, Carlo Carra’s Natura Morta con la Squadra would be that child. Within the positivism of those Pompeian paintings and the analytic nature […]

Celia Paul: Interview

Hilton Als interviews painter Celia Paul on the occasion of the exhibition Desdemona for Celia at the Metropolitan Opera Gallery (curated by Als) on view through January 2, 2016. In his curatorial statement Als writes: "The majority of Paul’s paintings—or the majority of the paintings I saw then—were of women: her mother primarily and then […]