Barbara Friedman: Interview

Elizabeth Johnson interviews painter Barbara Friedman on the occasion of her exhibition Decollation at Buddy Warren Gallery, New York, on view through June 26, 0216. Freidman comments: "more often lately, I put one foot in front of the other through a progression of images. What’s interesting to me is that pathways of decision converge or […]

Françoise Gilot: Interview

Emma Brockes interviews painter Françoise Gilot. Gilot recalls that "while on holiday in the Alps, she pointed out some aspect of the landscape to her father. 'I was struck by the fact that, at a certain altitude, there were a lot of dark grey trees, mostly firs, and also meadows of a lively green. And […]

Rethinking Howard Hodgkin

Sharon Butler reviews Howard Hodgkin: From Memory at Gagosian Gallery, New York, on view through June 18, 2016. Butler writes: "[Hodgkin] is a painter I'd always wanted to love, but I had never fully understood or been moved by his chunky brushwork and vivid color. The way he slapped the paint on seemed somewhat random […]

Lee Mullican: Restless and Rigid

John Yau reviews works by Lee Mullican at James Cohan (through June 18) and Lee Mullican: The Fifties at Susan Inglett (closed). Yau writes: "Mullican’s paintings swirl, shimmer, vibrate, and seem capable of breathing. They bring the molecular, the wave-like, and the cosmic together. Made between the late fifties and mid-sixties, during the rise of […]

Marcia Hafif’s Witty Minimalism

Altoon Sultan blogs about Marcia Hafif: The Italian Paintings, 1961–1969 is on view at Fergus McCaffrey Gallery, New York through June 25, 2016. Sultan begins: "This exhibition buoyed my spirits, even on a day of seeing several great shows. I loved the off-beat humor of these paintings, their play with associations of the body and […]

A Visit with Agnes Martin

Saskia Wendland remembers travelling from Germany to New Mexico to meet painter Agnes Martin. Wendland comments: "It seemed like everything came together—the way she painted, the way she thought and lived and her appearance—the way she was standing in front of me. That was an amazing experience. It felt very honest. And that is something […]

David Reed @ Peter Blum Gallery

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy interview painter David Reed at his exhibition New Paintings at Peter Blum Gallery, New York on view through June 25, 2016. Reed remarks: "I found that the emotions, the feelings behind the painting occurred to me when I had a sense of motion happening, and I wanted the paintings to […]

True to Life: Elaine de Kooning on Stuart Davis

Blog post revisiting Elaine de Kooning's 1957 profile of artist Stuart Davis on the occasion of the exhibition Stuart Davis: In Full Swing at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, on view through September 25, 2016. De Kooning writes: "Today, when hectic, automatist techniques so often and so surprisingly result in ingratiating, decorative […]

Roundtable: Philip Guston @ Hauser & Wirth

Hearne Pardee, Katherine Bradford, Gaby Collins-Fernandez, Stephen Ellis, David Humphrey, David Rhodes and Jennifer Riley discuss Philip Guston, Painter, 1957–1967 at Hauser & Wirth, New York, on view through July 29, 2016. In an enlightening and lively discussion, the panelists consider Guston's work in a range of contexts. Gaby Collins-Fernandez comments: "I’ve been trying to […]

Max Frintrop @ Lyles & King

Jeffrey Collins photo blogs a visit to the recent exhibition Max Frintrop: Daily Bread at Lyles & King, New York. In the text for the show, Alex Bacon notes that: "Like [Hans] Hartung, Frintrop turns gesture into order, with both artists’ forms coalescing into complex felt geometries that create circuits of energy that pulse in […]

Munch & Expressionism

Mario Naves reviews reviews Munch and Expressionism at the Neue Galerie, New York, on view through June 13, 2016. Naves writes that the show "makes no bones about mixing-and-matching the recalcitrant master with his progeny… Munch’s art is placed alongside that of Die Brücke, as well as pictures by Egon Schiele, Gabriel Munter, Oskar Kokoschka, […]

David Rhodes: Interview

Sharon Butler interviews painter David Rhodes on the occasion of his exhibition Between the Days at Hionas Gallery, New York, on view through June 25, 2016. Rhodes comments: "I haven’t intended to use the mark or the gesture as a dramatic element. The effect is a consequence of a series of responses, so when the […]

Diana Horowitz @ Lori Bookstein Gallery

Peter Malone reviews the recent exhibition Diana Horowitz: Italian Landscapes at Lori Bookstein Gallery, New York. Malone writes: "These little pictures are more than charming in their own right; they present a lesson in the demanding realities of one of painting’s more difficult methods. Everything about these works reflects the artist’s dedication to a process, […]

Mary Heilmann: Profile

Jason Farago profiles painter Mary Heilmann. Heilmann's exhibition Looking at Pictures is on view at Whitechapel Gallery, London, through August 21, 2016. Farago writes: "Most winningly, Heilmann deconsecrates the supposed purity of abstract art, infusing it with colours and forms from the outside world, mainly pop music… Heilmann’s big ideas and promiscuous use of different […]

Juan Uslé @ Cheim & Read

David Rhodes reviews Juan Uslé: Membrana Porosa at Cheim & Read, New York, on view through June 18, 2016. Rhodes observes that bears an inseparable connection with environmental conditions experienced out of doors, and out of an urban scape, perhaps. That low, raking illumination at dusk, the change physically in our receptiveness to color and […]

Surface, Image, Reception: Painting in a Digital Age

Alex Bacon considers painting in the digital age, addressing the idea "that painting does not have a single, essential status, but rather a multiple and constantly changing one, due to pressures both internal and external to it, and to art more broadly." Bacon writes: "In a sense, painting has always existed in relation to technology, […]

Nicole Eisenman @ the New Museum & Anton Kern

John Yau reviews Nicole Eisenman: Al-ugh-gories at the New Museum (through June 26) and Nicole Eisenman: Magnificent Delusion at Anton Kern Gallery (through June 25). Yau writes: "Together, [the two shows] form a wonderful anthology of what Eisenman has been up to in this century, with an emphasis on the last ten years. What these […]

Erika Ranee @ LMAK Gallery

Jongho Lee reviews Erika Ranee: Gasoline Rainbows at LMAK Gallery, New York, on view through June 5th, 2016. Lee writes that "each and every single one of Ranee’s paintings are battles. There are battles between restraint and outbursts, abstraction and figurative, against the archival, against painting itself, and finally against herself… Also displayed are Ranee’s […]

William Bailey @ Betty Cuningham

Barry Nemett reviews paintings by William Bailey at Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, on view through June 11, 2016. Nemett writes that "[Bailey's] compositions may at first look naturalistic, but you will find little of the visceral textures seen in the still-lifes and figure-in-interiors of 18th-century French painters such as Chardin. Bailey’s paintings have more […]

Farrell Brickhouse: Interview

Diana Copperwhite interviews painter Farrell Brickhouse. Brickhouse comments: "I feel if you can’t draw it you can’t paint it. But the practice is not linear; drawing comes both before, during and after painting. I liken it to the musician practicing, looking at the notes on the page, learning the song and coming to know it […]