Zao Wou-Ki @ Asia Society
New York Times

Roberta Smith reviews No Limits: Zao Wou-Ki at Asia Society, New York, on view through January 8, 2017. Smith writes: “It is an intriguing, peripatetic, at times beautiful affair of 60 works from 1943 to 2003, with paintings on canvas and paper, watercolors and several kinds of prints. Yet Zao slips through your fingers, running […]

Clintel Steed @ Steven Harvey

John Yau reviews Endymion: Recent Paintings by Clintel Steed at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, on view through October 9, 2016. Yau writes: “Steed strokes the paste-like paint onto the surface, creating an uneven tactile skin that is pebbled and brushy. This tactility is at odds with our digital world – its endless barrage […]

Helen Frankenthaler: Pure Color
LA Times

Carolina A. Miranda interviews John Elderfield, curator of Line into Color, Color into Line: Helen Frankenthaler, Paintings, 1962–1987 at Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills, on view through October 29, 2016. Elderfield remarks: “The traditional way, of course, is to make a drawing as the basis of a painting, then add color to it. In ‘Mountains and Sea,’ you […]

Reading Cy Twombly
The Paris Review Daily

Mary Jacobus blogs about the “inventive use of literary quotation and allusion throughout [CyTwombly’s] long career and his relation to poetry as an inspiration for his art,” the subject of her new book Reading Cy Twombly: Poetry in Paint (Princeton University Press).

Samuel Jablon: Interview
Arte Fuse

Laura Mylott Manning interviews artist Samuel Jablon on the occasion of his show Over Heard at Diane Rosenstein Gallery, L.A., on view through October 15, 2016. Jablon comments: “I was writing a lot of poetry and I was painting a lot. I always felt both were missing something… so I combined them. The combination of […]

Joan Semmel: Interview

Clarity Haynes interviews painter Joan Semmel on the occasion of the Semmel’s exhibition of new work at Alexander Gray Associates, New York, on view through October 15, 2016. In the introduction Haynes writes: “For her new exhibition … Semmel has created 12 large paintings, many of which have two layers, each with a nude self-portrait. […]

Gregory Amenoff @ Alexandre Gallery

Addison Parks blogs about the work of Gregory Amenoff on the occasion of Amenoff’s exhibition of new paintings at Alexandre Gallery, New York, on view through October 29, 2016. Parks writes that “[Amenoff’s paintings] are a noble quest, a torch taken up from the likes of the Arthur Doves of this world, along with his Stieglitz […]

Li Huasheng: Interview
Studio International

Lilly Wei interviews artist Li Huasheng. In her introduction, Wei writes: “Li’s point of view seems similar in orientation to that of Agnes Martin, say, although he believes art should be pure, and eastern and western cultures, evolving separately, are utterly different. Line, nonetheless, is of vital importance to both artists and “everything,” says Li, […]

Stephanie McMahon: Buoyed by Color
New American Paintings Blog

Shana Dumont Garr reviews the recent exhibition Stephanie McMahon: Close to Me at T+H Gallery, Boston. Garr writes: “In Blue Nude (2016) … sharp angles still betray the human touch and coexist with more organic brushwork. These are among the paintings that offer a contemporary take on a collage sensibility, one informed by the digital […]

Red: Ming Dynasty/Mark Rothko
Neoteric Art

Norbert Marszalek blogs about a visit to Red: Ming Dynasty/Mark Rothko at the The Arthur M. Sackler and Freer Gallery of Art at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., on view through February 20, 2017. Marszalek writes: “The painting is Rothko’s Untitled (Seagram Mural sketch) from 1959 that was part of his Four Seasons commission. The […]

The Gifts of Stuart Davis
The New Criterion

James Panero reviews Stuart Davis: In Full Swing at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, on view through September 25, 2016. Panero writes: “The particular genius of Davis’s subsequent modernist direction was how he went on to integrate European stylistic innovation with his unique Ashcan vision. Through the flattening, flickering, fleeting perspectives of […]

Richard Pousette-Dart: Transcendental Expressionist

Blog post revisiting Jack Kroll’s April 1961 profile of painter Richard Pousette-Dart, republished on the occasion of the exhibition Richard Pousette-Dart: The Centennial at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through October 15, 2016. Kroll writes: “The art of Richard Pousette-Dart seems very much in the line of American “home-made” eidolonian transcendentalism. He is a […]

Elisabeth Condon @ Lesley Heller Workspace

Edward M. Gómez reviews Elisabeth Condon: Bird and Flower at Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, on view through October 16, 2016. Gómez writes: “To produce her latest canvases, Condon has experimented with some new approaches that, in effect, have made the production of her variety of abstraction as much the subject of these new works […]

Dan Ramirez @ the National Museum of Mexican Art
New City Art

Mark Pohlad reviews Contemplations: Dan Ramirez Works from the Permanent Collection at the National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, on view through October 9, 2016. Pohlad writes: “Ramirez’s works reward careful viewing. Lines gradually attenuate and vanish, the edges of pieces are painted, and shadows are cast by slightly askew interstices. But all this formal […]

Etel Adnan’s Vibrant, Visual Poems

Maria Howard reviews Etal Adnan: The Weight of the World at the Serpentine Gallery, London, on view through September 11, 2016. Howard writes: “[Adnan’s] paintings evoke sheer joy, their style unpretentious, not naive but innocent, at odds with her poetry and writings that bear witness to the violence of the world. They may seem like […]

Marc Trujillo: Interview
Hilary Harkness: Huffington Post Arts

Hilary Harkness interviews painter Marc Trujillo. Trujillo comments: “Acting is the thing, we’re painters and are supposed to think with brushes in hand, right? This is one of the things that plein-air painting is great for, the clock is ticking, the light is changing, you are mortal and need to act. The deadliest trap is […]

Ginny Casey: Studio Visit
Pencil in the Studio

Maria Calandra visits the studio of painter Ginny Casey. Casey’s show Play Things will be on view at Half Gallery, New York, from September 7 – October 7, 2016. Calandra writes: “Casey models her soft forms, often large enough to take over the entire canvas, by teetering between colors so close in value they are […]

Carmen Herrera: Interview
Brooklyn Rail

Laila Pedro interviews painter Carmen Herrera on the occasion of Herrera’s retrospective Lines of Sight at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. The show will be on view from September 16, 2016 – January 2, 2017. In her introduction Pedro notes: “that [Herrera refers to her works as] not paintings, they’re not sculptures—they’re […]

Curt Barnes on Morris Louis
Painters on Paintings

Curt Barnes writes about painter Morris Louis. Barnes writes that although Pollock and Frankenthaler made great achievements in “painting as phenomenon,” Louis “remains the most vivid for me. The usually monumental size of his work could suggest a towering ego, yet somehow it needs to fill your field of vision, occupy an entire wall to […]

Turner and Colour
Burlington Magazine

Martin Butlin reviews Turner et la Couleur at the Hôtel de Caumont, Aix-en-Provence, on view through September 18, 2016. Butlin notes that the show is “one of the most fascinating of recent exhibitions of the works of J.M.W. Turner, one that reveals a whole new aspect of his vision… covering all Turner’s career but with […]