The Probity of Modernism: Collages…

David Cohen writes about collages by John Chamberlain and Alfred Leslie at Alan Stone Gallery, New York, on view through December 23, 2010. Cohen writes: "One strategy the artists have in common is to make potent expressive use out of a functional mode of affix, namely the staple. This comes across very forcefully in Leslie’s […]

“That Barnett Newman ‘Onement’ Painting Is, Like, So 1948”

Shane McAdams reviews the exhibition Abstract Expressionist New York at MoMA. McAdams writes: "Like most of the people reading these words, I grew up in a generation that would view claims of painting's or New York’s supremacy as somewhat chauvinistic and confrontational. Our way has been more polite, less opinionated, and more circumspect, opting for […]