Nick Miller’s Truckscapes

A short film by Bill Haynes documents painter Nick Miller’s mobile studio.

Painting of Uncertain Places

Tim Walsh reviews the exhibition Painting of Uncertain Places at Frankfurter Kunstverein, on view through September 16, 2012. Walsh writes that " "Painting of Uncertain Places' sets out to argue for figurative painting’s ongoing validity and capacity to do things abstraction can’t, such as functioning “as a space for rumination…as bearers of broader ideas.' However, […]

Concatenation. Signature, Seriality, Painting

Installation photos from the exhibition Concatenation. Signature, Seriality, Painting at Blain|Southern, London, on view through October 5, 2012. The show contains works by Matias Faldbakken, Josh Smith, Reena Spaulings, and Fredrik Værslev. Curator Peter J. Amdam writes that "the exhibition raises questions over how we might consider painting as an entity in its own right. […]

Trudy Benson: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Trudy Benson. Referring to a painting in the studio, Benson comments that there were "several points when I just kind of wanted to throw in the towel… rather than… scrape anything off I started doing these scribble lines either in spray paint or paint squeezed […]

Fragonard’s Fantasy Portrait

Annelisa Stephan blogs about a striking portrait by Jean-Honoré Fragonard now on view at the Getty Museum. Stephan writes: "Dark in color but radiant in spirit, this painting is one of Fragonard’s 15 'fantasy portraits,' three-quarter-length studies that took him, incredibly, as little as an hour each. Set against plain backgrounds, the paintings show off […]

Plane Space

Andy Parkinson reviews the exhibition Plane Space, curated by Dan Roach, at Worcester Cathedral Crypt, on view through September 15 2012. The exhibition includes paintings by Karl Bielik, Katrina Blannin, Sarah McNulty, Dan Roach, Paul Rosenbloom, and Gwennan Thomas. Parkinson writes: "On viewing these abstract paintings at Plane Space, I could easily begin to speculate […]

Elizabeth Osborne: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Elizabeth Osborne. Although Osborne painted figuratively for many years, the video studio visit provides a glimpse of many of her new abstract paintings. Obsborne describes how the new works came out of a previous group of landscape paintings, but rely on "memory" rather than direct […]

Mike Cockrill: In Conversation

Joe Heaps Nelson talks to painter Mike Cockrill about his work and career. Asked about his recent departure from purely illusionistic painting, Cockrill remarks: "I'm just experimenting… it's almost like, I don't know whether it's the work, or the fact that I've changed, but there's a lot of curiosity about this and what am I […]

Peter Doig: In Conversation

Stuart Jeffries talks to painter Peter Doig on the occasion of the upcoming exhibition Peter Doig: New Works at Michael Werner, London on view from September 27 – December 22, 2012. Jeffries reports Doig's comment: " 'It's not about perfection. What's a perfect painting? What's interesting about a perfect painting?' [Doig's] hero Munch never strove […]

Tony de los Reyes: Lines of Flight

Chris Hoff reviews the exhibition Tony de los Reyes: Border Theory at Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA, on view through November 14, 2012. Hoff writes that de los Reyes "charts what he calls free spaces and spaces of containment using abstraction, color field principles, and sections of the US-Mexican border captured by satellite […]

Emilio Vedova & Frank Stella

Robert Linsley considers the work of Emilio Vedova as an important precedent to the later work of Frank Stella. Linsley writes: "The Plurimi of Emilio Vedova are clear precursors of Stella’s relief paintings, and the differences between the two groups of work are revealing. Vedova’s works had an origin in sets for an opera by […]

Alex Kanevsky at Lux Art Institute

Lauren Buscemi reviews works by painter Alex Kanevsky who was recently in residence at the Lux Art Institute, San Diego. Buscemi writes that Kanevsky: "paints nudes and portraits steeped in tradition that feel fresh and contemporary. Figure in Dark without Onlooker (2012) is an intimate work the 49-year old Russian-born, Philadelphia-based painter produced using a […]

Abstraction: Art of Another Kind

Mario Naves reviews the exhibition Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949–1960 at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, on view through September 12, 2012. Naves writes: "The exhibition includes an inescapable array of artists and some stunning works. But the problem -or part of the problem – is how many […]

Joanne Greenbaum in Berlin

Ali Fitzgerald visits the Berlin studio of painter Joanne Greenbaum. Fitzgerald writes that "a radiant accessibility… has become a hallmark of Greenbaum’s expansive yet decidedly un-monumental (at least in scale) career. Her smaller works are instinctual and inviting, equipped with fluid baroque shimmers and flourishes that hint at bodily rapture and painterly automatism… She wields […]

Jonathan Leach: Interview

Virginia Billeaud Anderson talks to painter Jonathan Leach, whose work will be on view in the exhibition In Plain Sight, a 40 artist survey of survey of contemporary painting in Houston at McClain Gallery, Houston, Texas, on view from September 8 – October 20, 2012. Asked about his recent work Leach notes: "I think my […]

Lois Dodd: On Painting in Maine

Catherine Kehoe posts a new video of painter Lois Dodd produced by Allen Baldwin on the occasion of the upcoming exhibition Lois Dodd: Catching the Light at The Portland Art Museum, on view from January 17, 2013 – April 3, 2013. Dodd is interviewed in her studio about painting in Maine. She comments: "I think […]

Turner at the Tate

Huntley Dent writes about the newly hung Turner Galleries at Tate Britain which house selections from the bequest of painter J.M.W. Turner, who left his estate, which included 30,000 works of art on paper and 300 oil paintings, to the country in 1856. Dent writes: "The newly hung galleries can’t help but open your eyes. […]

Gary Stephan: Interview

Phong Bui interviews painter Gary Stephan on the occasion of the exhibition The Story of What Happens at devening projects + editions, Chicago, on view through October 6, 2012. Stephan notes: "In the last few years, what I’ve done, which thrills me, is return to the structure that affirms the object as a way to […]

The Viewer and The Grid

Alan Fowler considers the grid from the viewer's perspective. Fowler writes: "Most of the discussion about the use of the grid in abstract art has been from the position of the artist. Is a grid primarily a somewhat mechanical structuring device or can it be an integral element in the total image? Is it just […]

Terry Greene: Interview

Interview with painter Terry Greene. Greene comments: "I’m engaged with drawing and allowing paint to be paint on the taught or loose plane of the support. This is the initial attempt to begin to open up a space for a dialogue. One piece generally captures and holds my interest and I concentrate on that one […]