Don Voisine @ Gregory Lind Gallery

David M. Roth reviews the exhibition Don Voisine: Paintings at Gregory Lind Gallery, on view through October 20, 2012. Roth writes: "Each of these modestly scaled paintings, which range in size from 12” x 12” to 35” x 55”, is bounded on two sides by bright-colored stripes, most of which run horizontally… But rather than […]

Ralph Humphrey @ Gary Snyder

John Yau reviews the exhibition Ralph Humphrey at Gary Snyder Gallery, New York, on view through October 20, 2012. "Each of Humphrey’s paradigmatic forms stirred up a series of connections for him to allude to. For Humphrey, a man who loved art, and who clearly steeped himself in art history, painting was a way to […]

Riley Brewster: In the Studio

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Riley Brewster. Brewster begins by noting his current approach to painting: "I find myself, at this point, returning, not starting from, but returning to, a recognition of an essentialized sense of internal relationships – in terms of form in space, or form as space – […]

Fran O’Neill at the Studio School

Jonanthan Goodman reviews the exhibition Fran O'Neill: Recent work at The New York Studio School, on view through October 13, 2012. Goodman writes: "Fran O’Neill’s fine show… demonstrates how the practice of gestural abstraction can remain very much alive in the hands of someone willing to explore and experiment. While Louise Fishman’s accomplished, historically aware […]

Michael Kidner: Dreams of the World Order

Andy Parkinson visits the exhibition Michael Kidner: Dreams of the World Order: Early Paintings at Flowers Gallery, London, on view through October 20, 2012. Parkinson writes: "To my mind the work in this exhibition is proof, if proof were needed, that a rational, systematic (empirical rather than pre-conceived) approach to abstraction can result in works […]

Nathan Lewis: Reading the Ruins

On the occasion of the exhibition Reading the Ruins: Paintings by Nathan Lewis at A-Space Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, on view through September 29, 2012, Joe Bun Keo interviews painter Nathan Lewis about his work. Lewis comments: "I think that dichotomy interests me. My inclination in painting is to observe, map, define, fail, and understand.The […]

Painting in the Era of Socially Engaged Art

On the occasion of the exhibition Alex Katz: Give Me Tomorrow recently on view at Tate St. Ives, Simon Bayliss considers the role of painting in a world of "socially engaged art." Bayliss writes: "Katz… honours the grand tradition of painting… What Katz and his chosen artists share is a life devoted to practice involving […]

Aaron Parazette: Flyaway

Robert Boyd reviews the exhibition Aaron Parazette: Flyaway at the Art League, Houston, Texas, on view through November 2, 2012. Boyd writes: "Flyaway wraps around two walls. Each wall has a focal point where several lines converge. The intersections of these lines, and the edge of the painting itself, form flat geometric shapes… Size matters. […]

Mark Dagley @ Minus Space

Nick Stolle visits the exhibition Mark Dagley: Structural Solutions at Minus Space, Brooklyn, on view through October 27, 2012. The exhibition includes three large paintings – according to the press release: "one matte red and black scalene triangle, one prismatic stained grid, and one pale yellow and blue striped rectangle with notched L-shaped holes."  Stolle […]

Mimi Lauter: Dining Out

David Pagel reviews the exhibition Mimi Lauter: Dining Out at Marc Selwyn Fine Art, Los Angeles, on view through October 27, 2012. Pagel writes: "More than just about any other artist of her generation, Lauter excites our desire to know what we are looking at only to short-circuit such unimaginative, even mechanical activities. What results […]

Paintings in Atlanta

Victoria Webb photoblogs visits to several painting exhibitions currently on view in Atlanta, including A Web of Artists: Friends of a Social Network on view at Thomas Deans Fine Art with paintings by Ken Kewley, Philip Koch, Paul Behnke, Harry Shooshinoff, Bill Gingles, Donald Beal, Mitchell Johnson, Alicia Rothman, Greg Minah, and Rick Stevens (through […]

Jacob Feige: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Jacob Feige. In a review of Feige's exhibition After Dense Fog at Lombard Fried Projects, for Frieze Magazine, Christopher Bedford wrote: "Jacob Feige’s work explores the threshold that divides and binds mimetic and abstract painting… Feige’s fondness for 19th-century Romanticism and the sublime landscape tradition […]

Plane Space @ Worcester Cathedral

Paul Behnke posts installation photos of the recent exhibition Plane Space, curated by Dan Roach, at Worcester Cathedral Crypt. The exhibition included paintings by Karl Bielik, Katrina Blannin, Sarah McNulty, Dan Roach, Paul Rosenbloom, and Gwennan Thomas. Behnke writes: "For the event, Roach brought together six abstract / non-objective painters whose works offer a dramatic contrast […]

Clintel Steed: Interview

Jennifer Samet talks with painter Clintel Steed about his work and the experience of painting from life. Steed remarks: "Painting is being open to what’s around you. But you are imagining, you are coming up with an idea, and you give in to ideas. It is always a push and pull. To me it’s like […]

Joshua Aster: Little Conversations

James Kalm visits the exhibition Joshua Aster: Little Conversations at Sam Lee Gallery in Los Angeles, on view through October 6, 2012. The gallery notes that Aster's "works, measuring no more than 24×24 inches each, are intimate in scale and elemental in their emphasis on straightforward mark making. Aster employs ordinary objects such as wood […]

Paintings on the Lower East Side

In a two part post, Elisabeth Condon photoblogs paintings currently on view at New York's Lower East Side galleries including Agro Crag at Bosi Contemporary, Drew Shiflett at Lesley Heller Workspace, Line and Plane at McKenzie Fine Art, and Josh Podoll and Gina Magid at Feature, Inc.  In the accompanying post Condon features Matthew Miller at […]

Louise Fishman @ Cheim & Read

Steven Alexander visits the exhibition Louise Fishman at Cheim & Read, New York, on view through October 27, 2012. Alexander writes that Fishman's "new work, which grew in part out of a recent residency in Venice, presents a focused palette of blues and greens and pinks, ostensibly inspired by her strolls around the waterways taking photographs […]

Wendy White: Pix Vää

John Yau reviews the exhibition Wendy White: Pix Vää at Leo Koenig Gallery, New York, on view through October 20, 2012. Yau writes: "By making each component distinct – visually, materially, and in its physical scale – White endows everything with a specific identity. By having the smallest component resting on the floor, with something […]

David Schnell: Interview

Jonathan Beer interviews painter David Schnell about his work and practice. The exhibition David Schnell: morgen is now on view at Galerie Eigen+Art, Leipzig, Germany through December 15, 2012. Schnell comments: "There is this amazing moment when a click happens. In almost every painting there is this moment when something little happens and you say […]

The Contemporary Figure

Geoff Tuck reviews the exhibition The Figure in Contemporary Art, Curated by Thomas Butler, at Cypress College, Cypress, CA, on view through November 1, 2012. Tuck writes: "There is a freemasonry of painting among figurative painters – and I mean the term in the metaphoric sense of a secret club as well as the sense […]