Devin Powers @ Lesley Heller

James Kalm visits an exhibition of paintings by Devin Powers at Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, on view through November 25, 2012. Kalm writes that "Devin Powers makes pictures that vibrate with subtle colors and painterly incident Practicing an abstract approach that develops out of crystalline structure and fractal repeated pattern, these paintings maintain a […]

The Image as a Fading Reality

Andy Parkinson reivews the exhibition Let The World Slip, featuring paintings by Jo Chate, Thomas Hylander, Eleanor Moreton, Sarah Pickstone, Mark Van Yetter and Simon Willems at Lion and Lamb Gallery, London, on view through December 9, 2012. Parkinson writes: "Alfred Korzybski‘s famous saying 'the map is not the territory' acts as a reminder of […]

Monica Majoli at L & M Arts

Geoff Tuck reviews an exhibition of paintings by Monica Majoli at L & M Art, Los Angeles, CA, on view through January 5, 2013. Tuck writes: "As the paintings in Monica Majoli’s exhibition at L & M Arts alternate materials, between oil on panel and lithographic ink with acrylic ink and gouache on paper, so […]

Crossing Cultures: Contemporary Aboriginal Painting

Deborah Barlow blogs about the variety of Australian Aboriginal painting on view in museum shows in 2012, including Crossing Cultures: The Owen and Wagner Collection of Contemporary Aboriginal Australian Art at the Hood Museum of Art, which continues through March 10, 2013. Writing about Crossing Cultures and Ancestral Modern (recently on view at the Seattle […]

Karl Knaths: Lyrical Expression

Frank Hobbs blogs about Karl Knaths' concept of "lyrical expression." Hobbs writes: "Among his papers Knaths left behind this curious little diagram which is now in the Archives of American Art. In a few lines he encapsulates the artistic process, or what he called “lyrical expression.” Perceptions of nature (outer sight) are worked over by […]

Merlin James @ Kerlin

Photo blog of images from an exhibition of paintings by Merlin James at Kerlin Gallery, Dublin, on view through November 24, 2012. The gallery notes that James "continues to paint on canvas, frequently using hair, sawdust and other unconventional substances as well as paint. Works may be apparently abstract, or may feature diverse ‘subjects’ – […]

Alan Feltus @ Lux

John Seed blogs about the paintings of Alan Feltus, on view at the Lux Art Institute, Encinitas, CA through December 29, 2012. Seed writes: "Feltus is a veteran representational artist known for his close-hued paintings of figures who carry an air of self-absorption tinged with melancholy. Remarkably, Feltus works without models and, for years, has […]

Joyce Conlon: Interview

Joe Bun Keo interviews painter Joyce Conlon about her work which is on view the East Wing Art Gallery at Mt. Wachusett Community College in Gardner, MA through November 21, 2012. Conlon comments: "I believe painting, like literature, gives us metaphors for understanding our own reality… I spend a copious amount of time sanding and […]

Phong Bui: Between Two Floods

Allison Meier reviews the exhibition Phong Bui: Work According To The Rail, Part I (After The Flood), curated By Ricardo Kugelmas at Show Room, New York, on view through December 16, 2012. Meier writes: "Despite the loss that preceded it, the tone of the exhibition at Show Room is one of exuberance, with an engaging […]

Margaret McCann: Interview

In works rich in both allusion and painterly craft, McCann merges careful observation, popular culture, and an encyclopedic knowledge of the tradition of painting.

Carolanna Parlato: In Conversation

Rachel Youens talks to painter Carolanna Parlato about the evolution of her painting process and her new paintings which were recently on view in the exhibition Behind the Sun at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York. In her earlier work, Parlato notes: "I would let a painting evolve over a day; I would tilt the canvas […]

Cole Carothers: Outdoor & Indoor Light

Jonathan Kamholtz reviews Building Sight(s), an exhibition of paintings by Cole Carothers, at the 5th Street Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, on view through December 8, 2012. Kamholtz writes: " 'Ingmar' is a painting of the interior of a Michigan vacation cottage with a white wicker chair in the foreground, a bed in the middle ground (it seems made […]

Shirley Jaffe: Smooth-Edge

Raphael Rubinstein blogs about the work of painter Shirley Jaffe. Rubinstein writes: "Shirley Jaffe emerged from the crucible of gestural abstraction with an approach to painting that has given her maximum formal freedom within fairly constant material conditions. A smooth-edge (rather than hard-edge) painter, she fills each one of her canvases with arrays of flat, […]

Giotto & Pacino di Bonaguida

William Poundstone blogs about the exhibition Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance: Painting and Illumination, 1300–1350 at The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, on view through February 10, 2013. Poundstone writes that while "the show makes clear, nobody did it better than Giotto in capturing natural emotion and faking fascinatingly abstract architecture… An alternative pitch is […]

Path of Abstraction

Piri Halasz writes about several current and recent painting exhibitions on view in Manhattan that together provide a sweeping view of abstraction over the last 70 years. The shows include: Conceptual Abstraction at Hunter College's Times Square Gallery, Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland and Frank Stella at Mitchell-Innes & Nash (through November 24), Hans […]

Hans Hofmann Paints a Picture

Another entry in the seminal Paints a Picture series: Elaine de Kooning provides a first hand account of Hans Hofmann's process and approach to painting. In a richly detailed narration, De Kooning records Hofmann's technical studio practice punctuated by his comments on painting: "Hofmann has evolved no rules for the making of a picture. On […]

Painting in Indianapolis

Mary Addision Hackett blogs about several painting exhibitions currently on view in Indianapolis including: Kyle Ragsdale: Tableaux at the Harrison Art Center (through November 30), Elise Schweitzer: Centaurs and Belly Dancers at Gallery 924 (through November 30), Rachel Ritchford: Future Days at Mt. Comfort Gallery and Carla Knopp's exhibition Kinkade Meets Turner Paints Sci-fi With Fanbrush at […]

Tatiana Berg: Interview

Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting visit the studio of painter Tatiana Berg. Berg's work is currently on view in the exhibition Surfaces/Supports at Storefront Bushwick, Brooklyn, on view through December 23, 2012. Berg's work is described in the press release as "fast, active, and smooth… For Berg, the space of the surface of a painting […]

Richter by the Sea

Deborah Barlow blogs a selection of passages from Gerhard Richter's Writings 1961 – 2007. Visiting the Outer Banks, Barlow finds the power of nature – the action of wind and waves – to be an apt metaphor for the process of painting as described in Richter's book. Richter: "Any thoughts on my part about the ‘construction’ […]

Eric Aho: Not Tyrannized by the Seen

Arlene Distler blogs about encountering the paintings of Eric Aho and a subsequent visit to Aho's studio. Distler writes that in Aho's work, "nature is clearly a constant touchstone. Aho talks about still doing plein-air painting, but notes, chuckling, that these excursions do not look like the usual outdoor painter’s. No neat painting box (or […]