Julian Kreimer: Recognizable & Contemplative

Sharon Butler blogs about the work of painter Julian Kreimer, whose exhibition Julian Kreimer: Coming and Going was recently on view at Weeknights Gallery, Brooklyn. Kreimer paints both from observation and non-objectively, the "accuracy of color placement and representation of light in the observational paintings inform the abstractions, allowing both to exist as windows into […]

Robert Colescott’s Painterly Courage

Raphael Rubinstein encourages a re-evaluation of the work of painter Robert Colescott. Rubinstein describes Colescott as "a painter of incredible courage. He seems to leap into every painting as if it will be his last, determined to leave no inch of the canvas unactivated, no social taboo unchallenged, no occasion for painterly bravura unseized. His […]

Vincent Como: Studio Visit

Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting visit the studio of artist Vincent Como. Como descirbes his interest in "the idea of this surface, this pristine plane that references monochrome painting, references this history ingrained in modern art, and then like a black hole, it's collapsing on itself… succumbing to the weight of its own history." He […]

David Quinn: Interview

Valerie Brennan interviews painter David Quinn about his work and process. Quinn explains: "For the past two years I have been working almost exclusively on panels which are 205 x 133mm. The starting point can be anything, a colour, a found piece of paper, another painting etc.. I work on a lot of pieces at […]

Triumph of Human Painting

James Kalm visits the exhibition The Triumph of Human Painting at BULL AND RAM, Brooklyn (through March 10), and talks to show curator and painter Katherine Bradford. Bradford comments that the show, featuring one work each by eight artists, is meant to "celebrate a time when painting with humanist impulses and intimacy and personal stories […]

Peter Soriano: In Search of the Mutable

David Carrier reviews the exhibition Peter Soriano: New Work at Lennon, Weinberg, New York, on view through February 23, 2013. Carrier writes: "What is a painting? For some time, artists have been answering that question in very diverse ways by taking painting apart into its constituent elements. Frank Stella and Elizabeth Murray focused our attention […]

Peter Williams @ Foxy Productions

John Yau blogs about an exhibition of paintings by Peter Williams at Foxy Productions, New York, on view through March 23, 2013. Yau writes: "The colors [in Williams' paintings] are reminiscent of both India and the child’s board game Candyland, but the world Williams depicts, and this includes the abstract paintings, is a vulnerable one […]

Toko Shinoda: Force & Grace

On the occasion of the exhibition 50 Prints & Paintings, Toko Shinoda at 100 at the Portland Japanese Garden (through March 17, 2013), Amy Bernstein interviews Norman Tolman, collector and art dealer, about painter Toko Shinoda. Bernstein writes: "The white space in Toko Shinoda's prints and paintings is a mark whose character is defined by […]

Judy Cooke: Subtext

John Motley reviews the exhibition Judy Cooke: Subtext at Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon, on view through March 2, 2013. Motley writes: "Taken together, the works echo the studio's rhythm of action, assessment and reaction. But there's also a significant historical synthesis occurring in the work, in which the geometric vocabulary of modernism passes through […]

Rainer Gross: Contact Paintings

James Kalm visits the exhibition Rainer Gross: Contact Paintings – Logos and Toons at Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York, on view through March 23, 2013. Kalm notes: "With 'Logos and Toons' the artist dissects images that relate to his earliest ventures into the art world, with technical innovations he's been exploring to the present day. […]

Hadley Holliday: One with the Sun

Karen Chambers reviews the exhibition Hadley Holliday: One with the Sun, New Paintings at Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, on view through March 23, 2013. Chambers writes that in Holliday's painting there are "hints of Indonesian batik fabrics, medieval stained glass windows, and Russian icons… Fire Season, 2012, particularly reminded me of Sonia Delaunay, the co-founder […]

Guido Nieuwendijk: Odd Things

Brent Hallard interviews painter Guido Nieuwendijk about his work and process. Nieuwendijk comments: "With the wall paintings my curiousness is triggered with flatness: I only paint the walls and the image is super flat, but the surroundings do something with that to make it all real space. And, as such, the viewer navigates the space […]

Piero della Francesca in America

Xico Greenwald reviews the exhibition Piero della Francesca in America at The Frick Collection, New York on view through May 19, 2013. Greenwald writes that Piero's Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels "is an often-overlooked work by Piero… Mary sits in the center of the painting, subtly larger than the four angels surrounding her, […]

Thomas Nozkowski: In Conversation

On the occasion of the upcoming exhibition Thomas Nozkowski: Recent Work at Pace Gallery, New York (on view from February 22 through March 23), Tyler Green talks to painter Thomas Nozkowski about his work. Nozkowski comments: "I do have a kind of reality core to my work, a kind of kernel of something in the […]

Judith Lauand: Synthesis & Precision

Emyr Williams reviews the exhibition Judith Lauand: The 1950s at Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, on view through March 9 , 2013. Williams writes: "A visual logic derived from apparent mathematical sources abounds through line, pattern, repetition and sequence. All the works here are uniquely numbered – seemingly part of a systematic cataloguing that throws light […]

Suzan Frecon: paper

Joanne Mattera blogs about the exhibition Suzan Frecon: paper at David Zwirner Gallery, New York, on view through March 23, 2013. Mattera writes: "There's something appealing about seeing small work in a large space. The individual pieces are dwarfed, requiring you to move in close. Intimacy in a large space seems like an oxymoron, but […]

Surprising Early Abstraction

Altoon Sultan blogs about some of the lesser known and most surprising early 20th century abstract paintings in the exhibition Inventing Abstraction: 1910 – 1925 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on view through April 15, 2013. Sultan highlights "work that of artists I didn't know at all, or surprising works by artists […]

Jack Whitten: Erasures

Kyle Chayka reports on a lecture by painter Jack Whitten on the occasion of his exhibition Jack Whitten: Erasures, on view at the SCAD Museum, Savannah, Georgia, through March 31, 2013. Chayka writes: "New York’s frenetic milieu allowed Whitten to refine his practice, moving from derivative Abstract Expressionism to an automatic form of painting informed […]

Tom Uttech: Unlikely and Eccentric

Mario Naves posts about painter Tom Uttech on the occasion of the upcoming exhibition Tom Uttech: New Paintings at Alexandre Gallery, New York, on view from February 23-March 30, 2013. Naves writes that Uttech "paints with the precision of a naturalist. We’re never in doubt that these often encyclopedic pictures are scientifically correct. The same […]

Heidi Pollard: In Conversation

Astrid Bowlby talks to painter Heidi Pollard about her work and studio practice. Pollard comments that the image and the paint "can’t be separated from each other particularly. I’ve wanted to become that kind of a painter…. I go back and forth between very shallow space and having some tension between deep and shallow space […]