George Shaw: Coventry Paintings

Thoughts on the paintings of George Shaw, an artist "not interested in entering a dialogue in which paint is believed to take on the properties of the thing it depicts. His use of Humbrol enamel – a substance used for painting toy models – is an amusing allusion to paint as an embodiment of childhood […]

Lucy MacGillis: Interview

Larry Groff interviews painter Lucy MacGillis about her work. MacGillis comments: "I always paint from life. In the landscape I remove and add where it works best for the painting, but I’m out there. The experience of being physically in the landscape I’m painting is important, the heat, the smells, the sounds of the nearby […]

Todd Kelly at Asya Geisberg Gallery

Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting interview painter Todd Kelly at his exhibition My Own Personal Rebus at Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, on view through March 9, 2013. Kelly, who employs a surprising range of style and subject matter in his work, describes how he thinks of painting "as a method of thinking… With this […]

Andrew Sendor: Vanishing Point

Ben Street blogs about the paintings of Andrew Sendor whose exhibition is on view at Sperone Westwater, New York, through March 30, 2013. Street notes that: "Andrew Sendor’s recent paintings describe the future in terms of the past. Interiors that recede efficiently according to fifteenth-century pictorial principles – this in front of that, the […]

February Painting in Chelsea

Joanne Mattera provides an in-depth look at (mostly) abstract painting shows in Chelsea including: Stephen Antonakos: Pillows 1962-63 at Lori Bookstein Fine Art (through March 6), Mara Held at Gary Snyder Gallery, Matthew Weinstein: The Celestial Sea at Sonnabend Gallery, Todd Kelly: My Own Personal Rebus at Asya Geisberg Gallery (through March 9), Peter Wayne Lewis: […]

Abstract Treatment

Marielle Hehir reviews the exhibition Treatment at PS Mirabel, on view through March 9, 2013. The show features paintings by Laura Jane Blake, Neill Clements, Terry Greene, Mark Kennard, Matthew Macaulay, and Richard Ward. Hehir writes that "Treatment presents us a selection of current trends in abstract painting, with six contemporary UK based painters. The […]

Jim Dine @ Pace Gallery

James Kalm visits the exhibition Jim Dine: New Paintings at Pace Gallery, New York, on view through March 23, 2013. Kalm notes: "Dine's new works are a distinct departure form his previous imagistic works where he based his compositions of a frontal view of a heart or bathrobe. Along with a plunge in to pure […]

Cora Cohen: Divine Madness

William Eckhardt Kohler reviews the exhibition Cora Cohen: The Responsibility of Forms at Guided By Invoices, New York, on view through March 16th, 2013. Kohler writes: "The resonant quiet of [Cohen's] work allows the viewer to contemplate and appreciate the various moves and counter moves that the artist chooses. First, she usually chooses to stretch […]

Douglas Witmer: Interview

Valerie Brennan interviews painter Douglas Witmer about his work and process. Witmer's exhibition All Kinds of Ways to Your Garden was recently on view at Blank Space, New York. Witmer comments: "Even though my current work may be categorized as geometric, I think I'm quite 'gestural' in my approach to it. Almost every decision I […]

Georges Braque: The Cubist Still Life

Tyler Green talks to curator Karen Butler about the exhibition Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life, 1928-1945 at the Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, on view through April 21, 2013. Asked about the prominence of still life in Braque's oeuvre, Butler comments that "for Braque [still life] was a particularly important genre. It was […]

Tom Burckhardt: Studio Visit

Paul Behnke visits the studio of painter Tom Burckhardt. Behnke writes: "Burckhardt's work blurs the lines between painting and sculpture, the Modern and the Conceptual…. [his] work often deals with traditional stereotypes of artists viewed through an individually conceptual filter. He describes his personality as a wedge between the motivating force of doubt (think de […]

Pollock, Ossorio, Dubuffet @the Phillips

Hayley Plack blogs about the exhibition Angels, Demons and Savages: Pollock, Ossorio, Dubuffet at the Phillips Collection, Washington D.C., on view through May 12, 2013. Plack writes that "The exhibition traces the relationships between Jackson Pollock, Alfonso Ossorio, and Jean Dubuffet, three artists working simultaneously across continents in similar abstract styles during the period of […]

Mara Held @ Gary Snyder Gallery

Steven Alexander blogs about an exhibition of paintings by Mara Held at Gary Snyder Gallery, New York, on view through March 2, 2013. Alexander writes: "Held makes paintings that operate both as ecstatic images and as exquisite objects. Her images are built with curving concentric contours that intersect and interact to form complex undulating spaces… […]

Amanda Valdez: Taste of Us

Jeffrey Kirkwood reviews the recent exhibition Amanda Valdez: Taste of Us at Denny Gallery, New York. Kirkwood writes: "It is in [the] mutual dependence and opposition between the materials out of which the pieces are ‘built’ and the overdetermined shapes they create that the show really does its heavy lifting. Everything in the pictures suggests […]

At the Point of Gesture

Andy Parkinson reviews the exhibition At the Point of Gesture at the Lion and Lamb Gallery, on view through March 23, 2013. The exhibition features the work of five painters, Clem Crosby, Gabriel Hartley, Andrea Medjesi-Jones, David Ryan, and Alaena Turner, "each," Parkinson writes "in their different ways exploring the potential of gesture, materiality and […]

Andrew Bick: In Conversation

Mel Gooding talks to painter Andrew Bick on the occasion of the recent exhibition School studies: Ghosts, Arguments at Hales Gallery, London.   Bick comments: " I think I’m actually interested in what I would call contradictory space, in the sense of something that becomes visually unfathomable, or is a conundrum, something that can’t quite […]

Susanna Heller: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Susanna Heller. Heller comments: "It took me a good ten years to figure out how to engage the city, how to draw it, how to paint it, how to picture it… it wasn't exactly about its look, it's more about its being. If you think […]

Geoffrey Dorfman: Eye & Mind

Janet Purcell reviews an exhibition of paintings by Geoffrey Dorfman titled Eye and Mind at Rider University Art Gallery, Lawrenceville, NJ, on view through March 3, 2013. Purcell writes: "What you will first see as you step into the Rider art gallery is color. Then you’ll see energy… In Dorfman’s paintings you begin by noticing the […]

Jonathan Leach: Studio Visit

Debra Barrera visits the studio of painter Jonathan Leach on the occasion of Leach's solo exhibition opening at Gallery Sonja Roesch, Houston, on February 28, 2013. Barrera writes: "In Leach’s newest painting, bands of color shift slightly from vermillion to soft fuchsia, with a new subtlety of composition. Sitting atop a small table in the studio […]

Anne Schaefer: Studio Visit

Cindy Stockton Moore visits the studio of painter Anne Schaefer. Schaefer comments: "Much of the new work mines the imagery, pattern and chance forms created in the studio. Basically, I’m using the material refuse from the creation of work as the source material (or building blocks) of new work. The large-scale work is dimensionally specific. […]