The Future of Henri Matisse

Thomas Micchelli blogs about Matisse's 1948 painting Interior with Egyptian Curtain (Phillips Collection) currently on view in the exhibition Matisse: In Search of True Painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, on view through March 17, 2013. Micchelli writes: "Matisse has painted not one picture but three abutted together: the window, the curtain […]

Albert Oehlen: Aesthetic & Political

Dan Coombs reviews an exhibition of works by Albert Oehlen at The Zabludowicz Collection, London, on view through August 11, 2013. Coombs writes that Oehlen "seems to sustain his practice through a belief in painting’s formal possibilities. He is … willing to get lost in colour, shape and line. The more recent work is intense […]

Darina Karpov @ Pierogi

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy talk to painter Darina Karpov at her exhibition Sudden Leap Into the Interior at Pierogi, Brooklyn, on view through March 17, 2013. In a 2011 interview with Andrew Frank for BOMB, Karpov noted: " It’s very appropriate to see my work through the temporal lens and to think of it […]

Painting in Chelsea: Subject & Scale

Paul Behnke photo blogs visits to several painting shows on view in Chelsea in March, including: Andrew Masullo at Mary Boone Gallery (through April 27), Baker Overstreet: Frown Upside Down at Fredericks & Freiser (through March 30), Hope Gangloff at Susan Inglett Gallery (through March 23), and Al Held: Alphabet Paintings Cheim & Read (through […]

John Dubrow: Long Looking

Xico Greenwald reviews the retrospective exhibition A Formal Realist: The Works of John Dubrow at the Demuth Museum, Lancaster, PA, on view through May 19, 2013. Greenwald writes: "Dubrow’s work amounts to a full-throated argument for the continued vitality of painting today… Westbeth View North, 2001-2005, is also a smashing work. Painted from a studio […]

Judith Geichman @ Carrie Secrist Gallery

Alan Pocaro reviews an exhibition of paintings by Judith Geichman at Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, on view through March 30, 2013. Pocaro writes: "Working within the sparest of parameters, Geichman’s paintings are thrilling displays of dexterity. Her square supports and strictly achromatic blend of acrylic and enamel paint evoke the kind of old-school, unabashedly mid-century […]

Chris Hyndman: Woven Topologies

Ron Scott interviews painter Chris Hyndman on the occasion of his solo exhibition Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Michigan, on view through March 30, 2013. Hyndman comments: "I’m very interested in digital surfaces, screen technology surfaces, and the way they give us imagery. They have a particular kind of texture, color, and a thinness, which produces a […]

Denyse Thomasos: Painting & the World

Julian Kreimer remembers painter Denyse Thomasos (1964-2012). Kreimer writes: "The question [Thomasos] faced throughout her career, the one that led her towards wall-works, is one that many artists grapple with, and is particularly acute for painters: how to reconcile her interest in politics with her calling as an artist. The vast scale of her major […]

Marina Adams: Post Hard-Edge

David Cohen reviews the exhibition Marina Adams: Coming Thru Strange at Hionas Gallery, New York, on view through March 24, 2013. Cohen writes: "At ease and optically generous as these paintings are, they are actually radically cropped because gestalt depends upon something beyond the canvas itself. The edge of the picture, indeed, rarely defines the […]

Eddie Martinez: Matador Paintings

Allison Meier reviews the exhibition Eddie Martinez: Matador at Journal Gallery, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on view through April 28, 2013. Meier writes: "The taking of an idea and slightly altering it, over and over again, can often be more interesting than the executed initial idea itself… Martinez is experimenting with this idea in an installation of […]

William Perehudoff (1919 – 2013)

John McLean remembers painter William Perehudoff (1919 – 2013). McLean writes: "John Golding’s book 'Paths to the Absolute' traces the numinous aspects of abstract painting from their beginnings in the works of Kandinsky, Malevich, and Mondrian to the development of those qualities in the paintings of the Americans Pollock, Newman, Rothko and Still. Perehudoff’s work […]

Mark Bradford: Paint, Paper, Politics

Christopher Michno profiles painter Mark Bradford. Michno writes: "Bradford's interest in power structures, emergent when he was at CalArts, has continued to inform his painting, and how he conceptualizes his work. He has always been fascinated by the purity that is attributed to paint and that collage is considered lower than painting in the spectrum […]

Cecilia Vissers: Interview

Brent Hallard interview with artist Cecilia Vissers, posted here on the occasion of the upcoming exhibition Cecilia Vissers: Wind Swept at Galerie Kunstkabinett Corona Unger, Bremen, Germany, on view from March 16 – April 28, 2013. Vissers, whose recent relief works engage both sculpture and painting, describes how she uses "chemicals to intensify the colors […]

Al Held: Physicality & Detail

Paul Behnke blogs about the striking physicality of Al Held's Alphabet Paintings, on view at Cheim & Read, New York through April 20, 2013. Behnke writes: "an aspect of the work that was particularly meaningful to me – the edges of the canvas where they wrap around the stretchers. These random details are important to […]

Pierre Soulages in Rome

Céline Piettre reviews the exhibition Soulages XXI century at the French Academy in the Villa Medici in Rome through June 16, 2013. Piettre writes that " the majority of the pieces on view are from the past 13 years, which emphasize both the distinctive traits of his ongoing oeuvre as well as more recent departures. […]

Brett Baker: Interview

Julia Schwartz interviews painter and Painters' Table editor Brett Baker. Thanks to Julia for the opportunity to discuss my work, including the development of my recent miniature paintings. "Moving from a large studio in the Catskills to a two-room apartment in Manhattan forced me, finally, to consider the role scale played in the work. I had […]

Lisa Sanditz: In Conversation

Jacquelyn Gleisner interviews painter Lisa Sanditz about her work. Sanditz comments: "I paint what I experience, or read about or see in the landscape that seems to reflect some absurdity, or tension or metaphor for the culture at large. I often seek out places that have a compelling visual element as well. This is because I […]

Joel Longenecker: Interview

Valerie Brennan interviews painter Joel Longnecker about his work and process. Longnecker comments: "I’m after an organic, generative process where one thing slowly leads to another with each piece resolving itself in it’s own way. Working like this makes it impossible for me to duplicate what I’ve already done, keeping the process open and alive. […]

Collaborating With Helen Frankenthaler

Carl Belz recalls how the installation of the 1981 exhibition Frankenthaler: The 1950s at the Rose Art Museum became "a memorable collaboration with the artist herself." Belz writes: "We walked through the show together, Helen looking quietly at the pictures, remembering them, for in many cases she had not seen them in the flesh since […]

Pete Schulte: In Conversation

Yifat Gat interviews artist Pete Schulte about his art and practice. Gat notes that Schulte works "with graphite on paper but the result feel like 'a painting' not like 'a drawing'. " Schulte reponds, commenting that "artists from Bonnard to Richard Serra have linked the act of drawing to thinking – an observation with which […]