Painting Matters Now

Patrick Neal reports on the recent panel discussion Painting Matters Now: A Conversation moderated by Nancy Grimes, held at the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Panelists included Greg Drasler, Laurie Fendrich, John Dubrow, Mario Naves, and Peter Plagens. Neal writes that Grimes "explained this panel had come out of 'conversations I had with colleagues about the state […]

Trudy Benson: Studio Visit

Jonathan Chapline and Lorraine Nam visit Trudy Benson's studio on the occasion of her solo exhibition Paint at Horton Gallery, New York, on view from April 25 – June 2 , 2013. Benson discusses her process: "For the most part for these paintings, I feel like they are a collage of different painting moves and I […]

Golden Age of Abstraction

Pepe Karmel argues that we are now in the midst of a golden age of abstraction and suggests that linear analysis is no longer an effective method of evaluating abstract art. Instead, Karmel suggests the adoption of a super-set of "thematic" categories: "Three respond to nature: cosmologies, landscapes, and anatomies. And three respond to culture: […]

Andy Cherewick: Interview

Rusty Wallace interviews painter Andy Cherewick. Cherewick discusses his work and the daily practice of painting. He remarks: "The reality is you have to get accustomed to the fear of going into the unknown. You go into the unknown on purpose. If you’re sincere about wanting to do something vital and meaningful, you have to […]

Forrest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible

Robert Boyd reviews the exhibition Forrest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible at the Menil Collection, Houston, TX, on view through August 18, 2013. Boyd writes: " …whether we understand the symbols or not, they tell us one very important thing–Bess was no formalist. He isn’t trying to arrange colors and shapes in an interesting, aesthetically pleasing […]

Paul Pagk at Studio 10

Christopher Stout blogs about the exhibition Paul Pagk: 18 Drawings and 1 Painting at Studio 10 Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn, on view through May 5, 2013. Stout writes: “The drawings are all wonderful; however, the new painting, keenly titled Double Entente, stands out as the high point of the exhibition. [Gallery Director Lawrence] Greenberg describes Double […]

Nichole Van Beek: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Nichole Van Beek. Van Beek discusses her recent paintings which derive their visual power from the juxtaposition of opposites. Graphic and painterly marks, pattern and hard-edge shapes, dim and saturated color coalesce in each work to achieve unexpected unities. Van Beek comments that "a lot […]

Aubrey Levinthal: Studio Visit

Daniel Galas visits the studio of painter Aubrey Levinthal. Galas writes that Levinthal "varies brushwork, prefers pastel colors, and is not afraid to boldly interpret in subject. Aubrey primarily works from life but doesn't hesitate to alter the composition in any imaginative manner she finds fit. Still life is her subject of choice… mainly cups, […]

William McGee: Works 1954-1977

Emil Robinson reviews the recent exhibition William McGee Works 1954-1977 at Reed Gallery, Cincinnati. Robinson writes: "The show gave a wonderful introduction to a talented artist who had the good and bad fortune to be making work alongside some of the most important American painters in history. McGee was a painter of courageous ability and […]

‘Painting’ @ Konrad Fischer

Photo blog of the exhibition Painting at Konrad Fischer, Düsseldorf, featuring paintings by Ilse d'Hollander, Charlotte Posenenske, Jessica Warboys. The press release notes that the show features d'Hollander's "concerted, harmonically balanced" paintings, Posenenske's "early Spachtelarbeiten (palette-knife works) and Rasterbilder (Grids)," and Warboys' "Sea-Paintings [in which] the artist leaves the painterly process to evironmental forces: a […]

Simon Dinnerstein: Pursuing Humanity

Elana Hagler interviews painter Simon Dinnerstein about his work. Dinnerstein's painting The Fulbright Triptych is on display in the lobby of the German Consulate, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York through April 1, 2014. Dinnerstein comments: "I am very interested in this humanity, a living humanity that I described before. When I choose to find art […]

Matthew Neil Gehring: Interview

Caleb De Jong interviews painter Matthew Neil Gehring about his work on the occasion of the exhibition Matthew Neil Gehring: Brilliant Corners, on view at the Dishman Art Museum, Beaumont, TX, through April 30, 2013. Gehring comments: "I think that there is a great freedom within a focused practice and the parameters of my natural tendencies, […]

Jennifer Riley: Painting as Noun & Verb

Thomas Micchelli interviews painter Jennifer Riley on the occasion of the exhibition Jennifer Riley: Memory from Sight at Allegra LaViola Gallery, New York, on view through April 27, 2013. Riley comments: "I think… that wanting to depict/relate images of hard facts needs to be balanced by an awareness of what lies beyond the boundaries. I […]

Robert Janitz: Interview
Painter's Bread

Michael Rutherford interviews painter Robert Janitz about his work. Rutherford's introduction begins: "Paint on canvas and their combined affect on a viewer are what painting is all about. I can’t help but admire an artist who uses those materials in a bold matter-of-fact way, and the paintings of Robert Janitz are exactly what I mean. […]

Katharina Grosse: Paint is Paint

Andrea Alessi reviews the exhibition Katharina Grosse: Two Younger Women Come In And Pull Out A Table at De Pont, Tilburg, Netherlands, on view through June 9, 2013. Alessi writes: "color and technique combination creates a sense of immediacy and presence evocative of both graffiti and action painting. Though action painters readily come to mind, […]

4 NYC Painting Shows

Piri Halasz reviews four recent and current painting shows in New York: Radiance: The Paintings of Stanley Boxer, 1970s—1990s, Thirteen Contemporary Artists, and Frank Bowling: Paintings, 1967-2012 (through April 20) at Spanierman Modern, and Painterly Pasted Pictures at Freedman Art (through May 18).

Charles Garabedian: Interview

Julia Schwartz interviews painter Charles Garabedian on the occasion of the exhibition Charles Garabedian: Re-generation at L.A. Louver Gallery, Venice, CA, on view through May 11, 2013. Garabedian discusses his history as an artist, the challenges inherent in painting, and the subject matter of his new work: "I think with all artists an idea sort […]

Victor Pesce: Not So Simple

Mario Naves posts about the work of Victor Pesce on the occasion of an upcoming exhibition at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, on view from April 20 – July 26, 2013. Naves writes: "Victor Pesce paints pictures of simple things, but the pictures he paints are not so simple. Certainly, his still-life paintings are unadorned. […]

Julia Schwartz: In Conversation

Phillip J. Mellen talks with painter Julia Schwartz about her work and process. Schwartz returns several times in the conversation to the importance of place to her as a painter. "In general," she remarks, "I'm working more from a kind of mental place.. I don't think it's an intellectual place, it's just more from a […]

Mary Grigoriadis: Strokescapes

James Kalm visits the exhibition Mary Grigoriadis Strokescapes 1970s-1980s at Accola Griefen Gallery, New York, on view through May 18, 2013. Kalm's video provides an up-close look at Grigoriadis' paintings. The gallery press release notes that the paintings are "secular icons that are luscious in both color and texture. [Grigoriadis] applies layer upon layer of […]