Jim Gaylord: Interview

Christian Maychack interviews painter Jim Gaylord about his work. Gaylord comments: "[Rorschach is] a very relevant concept for me right now in terms of the symmetry that’s happening in some of the work. I was thinking about why a Rorschach image is symmetrical, and there seems to be a reference to the body—our bodies and […]

4 New York Painting Shows

James Panero reviews four painting shows in New York: Dana Gordon & John Mendelsohn: New Paintings at Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn (through May 12), Jane Freilicher: Painter Among Poets at Tibor de Nagy Gallery (through June 14), Fedele Spadafora: New Paintings at Slag Gallery, Brooklyn, and John Dubrow: Recent Work at Lori Bookstein Fine Art.

Andrew Masullo: Nonobjective Subjects

A review of the recent exhibition of paintings by Andrew Masullo at Mary Boone Gallery, New York. "The formulaic can be described as a basic formal framework that is repeatedly applied with only minor variations from one work to another. If there is anything that I might call formulaic about Andrew Masullo’s work, it is […]

Cordy Ryman: Interview

Arthur Peña interviews artist Cordy Ryman on the occasion of the exhibition Cordy Ryman: Adaptive Radiation at Dodge Gallery, New York, on view through May 12, 2013. Ryman comments: " I can say that I’m aware that I’m working with a certain visual language which is shared and not mine exclusively. As I’ve used this […]

Blinky Palermo: Grey Disk

Ezra Tessler reflects on Blinky Palermo's Grey Disk (1970). Tessler writes: "Once Grey Disk made its way into my mind I had a hard time not seeing it everywhere. Turn Grey Disk on its side and walk through the Met: there it is in the rounded-faces of the lifelike Roman funerary portraits painted in encaustic […]

Leon Kossoff: London Landscapes

Charlotte Higgins visits with painter Leon Kossoff on the occasion of the exhibiton Leon Kossoff: London Landscapes at Annely Juda Fine Art, London, on view from May 8 – July 6, 2013. The show will be on view at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York from November 5 – December 21, 2013. Higgins writes: "It seems […]

Amir Fallah: Interview

Rachelle Reichert interviews painter Amir Fallah on the occasion of Fallah's recent exhibtion The Collected at Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco. Reichert introduces the conversation: "Inspired by Renaissance portraiture and vanitas paintings, Fallah’s paintings are engaging and intelligent. Working with themes of power and economics in the history of commissioned portraiture, Fallah constructs unique portraits […]

Frank Hobbs: Interview

Larry Groff interviews painter Frank Hobbs about his work and career. Asked about the excitement of plein air painting, Hobbs remarks: "On site, the first things that I respond to are space and light. I really am an abstract painter, I think; or a frustrated musician. Rhythm is more important to me than the particular […]

Anne Harris: Phantasmatical Self Portraits

In a new video, painter Anne Harris discusses her approach to painting and the works in her current exhibition Phantasmatical: Self Portraits at Alexandre Gallery, New York, on view through May 11, 2013. Harris remarks: "These paintings, these particular paintings, came out of both something that was happening in the drawing that I worked on, […]

Fritz Bultman: The Missing Irascible

Jason Andrew reviews the exhibition Fritz Bultman: The Missing Irascible at Edelman Arts, New York, on view through May 11, 2013. Andrew writes that "For Bultman, who unfortunately missed his photo-op as one of 'The Irascibles' (the group of Abstract Expressionist painters made famous by a 1951 photograph in Life magazine), the paradox in painting […]

Eleanor Ray: Interview

Aubrey Levinthal conducts a short interview with painter Eleanor Ray. Ray's work is currently on view in the exhibition dooroomwindow at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York, through May 26, 2013. The exhibition features the work of Jane Dickson, Bill Rice, Kurt Knobelsdorf, Gideon Bok, Eleanor Ray and Stephanie Pierce. Ray comments: "Painting a […]

Jane Freilicher: Painter Among Poets

Xico Greenwald reviews the exhibition Jane Freilicher: Painter Among Poets at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York, on view through June 14, 2013. Greenwald writes: "The offhanded, intimate approach adopted by Freilicher and some of her fellow painters belies the critically important contributions these artists made to the canon of twentieth century art. One of […]

Ansel Adams & Abstract Painting

During a visit to Ansel Adams: Photography from the Mountains to the Sea at the National Maritime Museum, London (through April 28), Robin Greenwood finds works by Ansel Adams that present the "moment of most heightened visual intensity," also sought and prized in great painting. Greenwood writes: "I need to look at something that is […]

Dürer: The Great Observer

Thomas Micchelli reviews the exhibition Albrecht Dürer: Master Drawings, Watercolors, and Prints from the Albertina at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., on view through June 9, 2013. Micchelli writes: "Dürer’s boldness with his materials is evidenced in what is probably the most emblematic image to come from the Great Observer, namely 'The Great […]

Judy Glantzman: Inspired by Guernica

Sharon Butler blogs about Judy Glantzman's new work, on view at Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, through May 11, 2013. Butler writes that: "After seeing Pablo Picasso's Guernica for the first time three years ago, Judy Glantzman began moving away from the introspective self-portraits she had been making for many years toward a less self-engaged […]

William Crump: Interview

Leah Oates interviews artist William Crump about his work and process. Crump comments: "The first thing I do when approaching these paintings, is to try and leave all distraction outside of the studio. It’s about keeping my focus and discipline. There are times when I want to dive in head first, but that can lead to […]

Ben La Rocco: Fugue State

James Kalm video blogs a visit to the recent exhibition Ben La Rocco: Fugue State at Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn. Kalm writes that "La Rocco directs his painterly investigation into a realm of physics and astronomy as graphic representations. Transcribing concepts like the relationship between the scale of humanity and planetary bodies like the sun, […]

Carrie Moyer: Studio Visit

Carrie Moyer describes her process, which begins with small black and white collages, and discusses her influences – including Miro’s The Farm (1921–1922) and paintings by Christian Schad and Alexej von Jawlensky.

Elena Sisto: Interview

Julian Kreimer interviews painter Elena Sisto on the occasion of the exhibtion Between Silver Light and Orange Shadow: Paintings by Elena Sisto at Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York, on view through May 25, 2013. Asked about the "line between abstraction and figuration," Sisto comments: "To say a painting is abstract doesn't necessarily mean it […]

Brian Cypher @ Schema Projects

Elizabeth Johnson reviews the exhibition Brian Cypher: Survey, works on paper at Schema Projects, Bushwick, Brooklyn, on view through April 28, 2013. Johnson writes: "Working like André Masson and other Surrealists à la Automatic Drawing, Cypher is content in that sweet spot of action without a plan; humorously, he parses fragments of the analytical, plan-based […]