Dying on Stage: New Painting in New York

Thomas Micchelli reviews Dying on Stage: New Painting in New York, curated by Kyle Chayka, at Garis & Hahn, on view through July 20, 2013. Micchelli writes that the show, which features works by Ariel Dill, Clare Grill, Kristina Lee, Sarah Faux, and Tatiana Berg, "is predicated on the belief that 'mundanely subjective perceptions can […]

Kevin Appel: Interview

Julia Schwartz interviews painter Kevin Appel about his work and career. Asked about the progress in his work from "straightforward… interiors" to more "fractured" spaces, Appel remarks: "Early on the interest in architecture was motivated by a desire to bring space back into my work. Clean, unpopulated space. Over time the objects in the interiors […]

Steven Cox: Interview
Painter's Bread

Michael Rutherford interviews painter Steven Cox about his work and process. Cox remarks: "At base, I am influenced by the notion of temporality, where the inevitability of change unpredictably alters the appearance and formation of an item. I tend to apply this understanding of temporality to how I approach the making of my work whilst […]

DNA: Strands of Abstraction

James Kalm visits the exhibition DNA: Strands of Abstraction at Loretta Howard Gallery, New York, on view through August 2, 2013. Kalm notes that this show, and several other summer abstraction paintings (including Xstraction), "gives viewers a chance to reevaluate the many facets of this practice and with 'DNA' see the works of at least […]

Christine Frerichs: Interview

Easton Miller interviews painter Christine Frerichs on the occasion of her exhibition The Conversation at gallery|km, Santa Monica, CA, on view through July 27, 2013. Frerichs comments: "With this body of work, I wanted to find a way to create abstracted portraits that… describe at once the physical and emotional aspects of oneself through the […]

Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field

Annie Godfrey Larmon interviews Dannielle Tegeder on the occasion of the Tegeder's exhibition Painting in the Extended Field at the Wellin Museum of Art, Hamilton College, on view through July 28, 2013. Tegeder comments: "The problem of the 'death of painting' is central to my work. I identify as a painter, even though I work […]

Clyfford Still: Memory, Myth & Magic

Hrag Vartanian interviews David Anfam about the exhibition Clyfford Still: Memory, Myth & Magic at Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, on view through September 29, 2013. Anfam comments: "What is intriguing is how these canvases reveal Still on the cusp between a residual figuration — they include vestiges of rising monstrous presences, solar discs, snaking shapes, […]

Painting & Curating in Bushwick

Julia Schwartz talks to painter and curator Julie Torres about What I Like About You, a two part exhibition/collaboration between painters working outside New York and those working in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Part one of the exhibition, at Parallel Art Space, opened as part of Bushwick Open Studios 2013. The second part of the exhibition is at […]

Susan Bee: Putting Paint to the Test

Lori Zimmer reviews the exhibition Susan Bee: Criss Cross: New Paintings at Accola Griefen Gallery, New York, on view through June 29, 2013. Zimmer writes: "Using scenes from classic cinema as inspiration, Susan Bee’s new body of work puts her medium to the test: with her painterly brushstrokes and jabs competing with the pictorial film […]


James Kalm visits the exhibition Xstraction at The Hole, New York. The exhibition features work by 32 contemporary abstract painters. The press release states that the show examines trends in "textile-based and 'craftstraction'", paintings influenced by "digital aesthetics," "trodden-upon, dirtied, worn out or even 'entropic' abstraction," and "un-painterly abstraction" in the works of a younger […]

Merlin James & Per Kirkeby

Dan Coombs reviews two London painting exhibitions: Merlin James at Parasol Unit (through August 10) and Per Kirkeby at Michael Werner (through July 27). Coombs writes: "In a world of spectacular logic there’s something refreshing about a painter who refuses to pin down his subjects. Letting the motifs of his work emerge, as if by […]

Richard Timperio: New Paintings

Paul Behnke photo blogs a visit to Sideshow Gallery to see new paintings by Richard Timperio. Behnke writes that Timperio's new work "imparts a Matisse-ian revelry in color but the way the paint is applied belies an attitude more akin to Paul Klee's idea of serious play. While it's apparent that Timperio does enjoy his […]

Maria Lassnig: Location of Pictures

Image blog of installation phots from the exhibition Maria Lassnig: The Location of Pictures at Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany, on view through September 8, 2013. The press release notes that: "One idea that recurs throughout her work is the notion of 'body-feeling pictures.' Lassnig not only paints the great emotions such as mourning, pain, joy and […]

Painting in Kansas City

Stephanie Cristello reviews the exhibition New Work from Kansas City at Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, on view through July 27, 2013. The show features works by Anne Lindberg, Kent Michael Smith, and Paul Anthony Smith. Cristello writes: "While the exhibition speaks to themes of regionalism, the experience of looking at the three very distinct bodies […]

Joe Bradley @ Gavin Brown’s Enterprise

M. Bushman reviews the exhibition Joe Bradley: Lotus Beaters at Gavin Brown's Enterprise, New York, on view through June 29, 2013. Bushman writes: "Completely abstract, without any recognisable symbols or icons, Bradley’s color fields crash into each other in his signature primitivism. Behind the energetic colors of each work, his subtle negative spaces, scratches, scrapes […]

El Anatsui: Gravity & Grace

Jonathan Beer reviews the exhibition Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, on view through August 4, 2013. Beer writes that Anatsui's wood paintings "are the true gems of the exhibition. Cut, carved, and painted, the parallel vertical strips of wood can be arranged in infinite variations, embodying […]

Form & Spirit

Altoon Sultan blogs about the mysterious relationship between form and feeling in works by Carl Dahl, Fra Angelico, Hans Memling, John Peto, Kazimir Malevich, Philip Guston, Samuel Palmer, and Tawaraya Sotatsu. Sultan writes: "When we are standing in front of a painting we see shape, line, color with its hues and values, but what do […]

A Crisis of Brilliance

Marina Vaizey reviews the exhibition Nash, Nevinson, Spencer, Gertler, Carrington, Bomberg: A Crisis of Brilliance, 1908-1922 at the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, on view through September 22, 2013. Vaizey writes that the exhibition examines six students of Slade teacher Henry Tonks (1862-1937) who "presided over several generations of London-based artists who formed the bedrock of […]

Hope Gangloff: Interview

Yuri Masnyj interviews painter Hope Gangloff about her work. Asked about switching photographic source material to posed models, Gangloff comments: "I’m using it to my advantage that people will pose for me. They will come over and model, and I get to have a freshness that wasn’t there before, when working from a composite of […]

Rejuvenation in Rubens

Daniel Maidman muses on the theme of rejuvenation in the painting Rubens, His Wife Hélène Fourment, and Their Son Frans (ca. 1635), on view in the newly renovated European painting galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Maidman writes "For all that [Hélène] is the center of the composition, this painting is not about her. […]