Rachael Gorchov: Studio Visit

Christopher Joy and Zachary Keeting visit the studio of artist Rachael Gorchov. Gorchov comments: "These are paintings… The objects, for me, are in service to the image… I call them sculptural paintings; they come out of the wall, they enter your physical space. To me, the way they enter the physical space is meant to […]

Francesco Clemente: Portraits of the 80s

S. Patkin reviews the exhibition Francesco Clemente: Portraits of the 80s at Thomas Ammann Fine Art Gallery, Zurich, on view through September 27, 2013. Patkin writes: "Many have read Clemente’s work during this period as reacting against the conceptual and minimal art of the 1970s, and credit Clemente as being among one of the most […]

Hernan Bas: Deep in the Dark of Texas

Photo blog of images from the exhibition Hernan Bas: Deep in the Dark of Texas at Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, on view through October 19, 2013. The show features paintings made during a residency at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas. The gallery press notes: "Usually portrayed alone amidst their surroundings, the youths in Hernan […]

Clement Greenberg & His Legacy

John Yau examines Clement Greenberg's legacy in the context of contemporary art focusing on "provisional" and "casual" painting. Yau writes: "It seems to me that the current situation is not about available options… which span a wide range of possibilities, or about a critic channeling Greenberg’s legacy and identifying the next viable tendency in art. […]

Rosalind E. Krauss: Interview

David Plante interviews Rosalind E. Krauss. The topics Krauss discusses include her initial interest in art, cultivated by visits to the National Gallery of Art and the Phillips Collection, and her belief that the artist must strive to extend the nature of the medium in which she works. Regarding the latter, Krauss comments: "Greenberg’s position […]

Erin Lawlor, Jenny Bloomfield & Aaron Finnis

Kenneth Baker reviews three exhibitions in San Francisco: Erin Lawlor: Recent Paintings at George Lawson Gallery (through October 5), Jenny Bloomfield: Pull: Paintings at Gallery 60Six (through September 28), and Aaron Finnis: Solo: Printed "paintings" at Et al. Gallery (through September 14). Baker writes: "A century ago painters started to abandon the long tradition of […]

Ellen Gallagher @ The New Museum

A.M. Ekstrand reviews the exhibition Ellen Gallagher: Don’t Axe Me at the New Museum, New York, on view through September 15, 2013. Ekstrand writes: "Gallagher has worked across a range of medias, from appropriated advertisements highlighting marginalized black imagery to paintings paying homage to the minimalism of Agnes Martin and the subtle repetition of Gertrude […]

Amy Mahnick: Interview

Larry Groff interviews painter Amy Mahnick about her work and process. Mahnick comments: "If I don’t feel a real physical and emotional connection to the subjects I’m working with my painting is going to fail. And the act of painting itself is a communion of sorts rather than a detached observation for me. There’s a […]

Hilde Skilton: Studio Visit

Painter Hilde Skilton hosts a group studio visit with Anne Smart, Mark Skilton, Anthony Smart, Robin Greenwood, Sarah Greenwood, John Bunker, Alexandra Harley, Nick Moore. Considering Skilton's paintings, Anne Smart comments that there is "no individual incident in them that makes them into a ‘thing’. The ‘whole thing’ is a happening. I like the fact […]

Ellsworth Kelly: When Two Colors Meet

Peter Malone reviews the exhibition Ellsworth Kelly: Chatham Series at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on view thorugh September 8, 2013. Malone writes "Typical of the series, Chatham VI: Red Blue, 1971 is a red horizontal panel sitting atop a shorter blue panel. The width of each panel seems equal, but the length […]

Karl Bielik: In Process

Paul Behnke photoblogs a painting in process by Karl Bielik. In the series of photos, Behnke writes that "Bielik documents the development of a large work that eventually becomes Tumble – completed in 2013. This is an exceptional opportunity to view the artist's hand and mind at work through each twist and turn of alternately […]

Simon Carter: Interview

Nicholas Middleton interviews painter Simon Carter about his work and process. Carter comments: "I do like that speed that paint goes onto the canvas. There is a language to do with that speed and almost offhandedness in a way, but it’s a long process which takes you there. Under each of these paintings there are […]

Joanne Freeman: In Conversation

In Joanne Freeman’s works, a richness of color, specificity of light, and a languid sense of movement arise naturally from the painting process.

Erika Ranee: Studio Visit

Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Erika Ranee. Responding to Joy's observation that "total extremes… seem at play in each work… every painting has its own distinct voice," Ranee comments that "each painting is its own little torture… a new challenge, a new approach to using these materials that are in […]

Esteban Delgado: Shifting Plasticity

Betsy Huete reviews a recent exhibition of paintings by Esteban Delgado at Avis Frank Gallery, Houston. Huete writes: "While reading more assertively and exclusively as a landform, [Delgado's painting]Tectonic (2013) also effectively engages in [a] shift of interior and exterior space. The link between title and form are easy to connect: the painting looks like a pared […]

American Modern @ MoMA

Xico Greenwald reviews the exhibition American Modern: Hopper to O'Keeffe at The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, New York, on view through January 14, 2014. Greenwald writes that the show is "drawn almost entirely from the museum’s holdings, displays over 100 paintings, drawings, prints and photographs that exhibition organizers say contain a search for 'American-ness.' […]

Unseen Lowry

Jackie Wullschlager highlights the exhibition Unseen Lowry at The Lowry, Manchester, UK, on view through September 29, 2013. Wullschlager writes that the show consists of "100 drawings, paintings and oil sketches found at his home after his death in 1976, and displayed for the first time. A particular focus is on his figure drawings and […]

Hans Richter: Visionary Portraits

Steve Roden blogs about the "visionary portraits" of Hans Richter, which can be seen in the exhibition Hans Richter: Encounters at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, on view through September 2, 2013. Roden writes: "these look quite a bit like german expressionist portraits, but they somehow feel stranger, less guided. at first glance, […]

Dana Schutz: Interview

Priscilla Frank interviews painter Dana Schutz whose work will be on view at The Hepworth Wakefield from October 12, 2013 – January 26, 2014. Schutz comments: "The new works, I think, are more open — they involve more abstract, painterly gestures. The subjects have a lot to do with the last show, in that they […]

Peter Doig @ the Scottish National Gallery

Darran Anderson reviews Peter Doig: No Foreign Lands at the Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, on view through November 3, 2013. Anderson writes: "Every landscape is a portrait of its viewer. In Doig’s scenes, you can view wonders or read foreboding auguries. It is Doig’s great strength to make these possible simultaneously. The paintings may inevitably […]