Suzanne Caporael: Found Color

Altoon Sultan blogs about the exhibition Suzanne Caporael: Enough is Plenty at Ameringer | McEnery | Yohe, New York, on view through November 23, 2013. Sultan writes that Caporael's collages are "stunning in their simplicity of color and shape, their absolute rightness of form. There was some whimsy in the color choices––red polka dots against […]

Amy Sillman: Interview

Tyler Green interviews painter Amy Sillman on the occasion of the exhibition Amy Sillman: one lump or two at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, on view through January 5, 2014. Asked about the physicality of painting, Sillman comments that paintings "are a pleasure because they're physical and they're made by you.. you're in this […]

Mark Strand: Collages

Richard Benari reviews the recent exhibition Mark Strand: Collages at Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York. Bernari writes: "Layering the paper, using its varying transparencies and deckled-edges, creates a startling sense of depth. It’s completely unexpected, especially from a kind of art that historically tended to privilege the quick and the cerebral over the meditative and […]

The Beauty of Small Paintings

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco blogs about both the "beauty of small paintings," and the particular problems and rewards of working on an intimate scale. Del Turco writes: "I find that small works are particularly successful when they depict a large space, still life or a figure, rather than something 'life size,' … a small work […]

The New Old Logic of Abstraction

Howard Hurst reviews the exhibition A Pinch of Saffron, Dash of Vermouth at Dodge Gallery, New York, on view through October 27, 2013. Hurst writes that "the idea of reasserting the value of painting, the value of 'inner content' within an artwork, or of transience, is hardly novel. Nonetheless, the paintings on view at A […]

Liu Xiadong: Interview

John Seed interviews painter Liu Xiadong whose work is on view in two concurrent exhibitions: Liu Xiaodong In Between Israel and Palestine at Mary Boone Gallery, New York (through October 26) and Liu Xiaodong: Hometown Boy at the Seattle Asian Art Museum (through June 29). Xiadong comments: "I really like going to places that are […]

Andrew Dadson: Suburban Suprematism

Sara De Chiara reviews the exhibition Andrew Dadson: Suburban Suprematism at Galleria Franco Noero, Turin, on view through October 26, 2013. De Chiara writes that Dadson’s paintings "can be admired from a frontal perspective, but also from a three-quarter view, where we become aware of the complex process that led to their material thickness. This […]

William Tillyer: Interview

Francesca Simon visits the studio of painter William Tillyer on the occasion of two exhibitions: William Tillyer: The Watering Place at Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London (through November 30) and William Tillyer: Against Nature at MIMA (through February 9, 2014). Speaking about the divide between abstract and figurative painting, Tillyer comments that "there isn’t a need […]

Peter Acheson: Rusted Giacometti

Anne Russinof posts a photo blog of a visit the exhibition Peter Acheson: Rusted Giacometti at Novella, New York, curated by JJ Manford and Peter Acheson, on view through November 17, 2013. Co-curator JJ Manford writes in the press release: "Peter paints with a lexicon of linear marks, and archaic symbols which are sometimes arranged […]

The Discipline of Painting

Andy Parkinson blogs about the exhibition The Discipline of Painting at Harrington Mill Studios, on view through October 27, 2013. The show features works by David Manley, Sean Scully, David Tremlett, David Ainley, Katrina Blannin, Luke Frost, Lauri Hopkins, Dan Roach, Andy Parkinson, and Trevor Sutton. Parkinson writes: "It used to be common to divide […]

Mark Dutcher: Interview

Julia Schwartz interviews artist Mark Dutcher whose show Transfer was recently on view at Coagula Curatorial, Los Angeles. Dutcher comments: "I love the idea of trying build a utopian structure with the idea that the monument being built won’t last forever. I think that is glorious and absurd and very human… A monument. a ruin. […]

Sean Scully: In the Studio

Sam Phillips visits the Barcelona studio of painter Sean Scully in advance of the exhibition Sean Scully: Triptychs at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, on view from November 2 – January 26, 2014. Scully tells Phillips: "Painting is an animal that is not a dodo: it will not become extinct…It always has the ability to shape-shift […]

Nicole Eisenman @ Carnegie International

Photo blog of Nicole Eisenman's works on view in the 2013 Carnegie International at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, on view through March 16, 2014. The exhibition website notes that "the work of Nicole Eisenman spans the absurd and abject to the introspective and irreverent, drawing on sources as varied as the iconography of […]

See It Loud @ the National Academy

Thaddeus Radell reviews the exhibition See It Loud: Seven Post-War American Painters at the National Academy Museum, New York, on view through January 26, 2014. The show features work by Leland Bell, Paul Georges, Peter Heinemann, Albert Kresch, Stanley Lewis, Paul Resika and Neil Welliver. Radell writes that "after slogging through the demoralizing, conceptually sodden […]

Claudia Böse: Interview

Matthew Krishanu interviews painter Claudia Böse about her work. Böse comments that her works "are domestic. There is something about the domestic because they could be table mats, they could be screens. My work is also about things you handle every day. It’s not so explicit in this show but I’ve used the format of […]

Dorothea Rockburne: Interview

Natasha Kurchanova interviews artist Dorothea Rockburne on the occasion of the exhibition Dorothea Rockburne: Drawing Which Makes Itself at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on view through January 20, 2014. Kurchanova writes: "Drawing enters our bones, so to speak, when we begin to visualise Rockburne crafting delicate lines and fragile spaces with chosen […]

Volker Hüller @ Timothy Taylor

Blog post about the exhibition Volker Hüller: New Paintings at Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, on view through November 9, 2013. "Created from lengths of material, oil paint and pencil, Hüller’s large-scale canvases are shot through with sinuous lines arching and rebounding, demarcating the canvases and playing with the paintings’ sense of supposed authority. Meanwhile, smudges […]

Surviving Sandy: Paintings

Anne Russinof posts a 4 part photo-blog of paintings from the mega exhibition Come Together: Surviving Sandy. Conceived by the Dedalus Foundation in collaboration with Phong Bui, at Industry City, Sunset Park, Brooklyn, October 20 – December 15, 2013. (Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four) The 100,000 square foot exhibition is "centered on […]

Raw Truth: Auerbach & Rembrandt

Jackie Wullschlager reviews the exhibition Raw Truth Auerbach − Rembrandt at Ordovas Gallery, London, on view from October 4 – December 1, 2013. Wullschlager writes that both artists "share muted earthy palettes – but as light emerges from dark tonalities, their paintings are radiant. Paint for both is a vehicle to convey a vision of reality; […]

Emyr Williams: Studio Visit

John Bunker, Anne Smart, Anthony Smart, Robin Greenwood, Sarah Greenwood, and Alexandra Harley visit the studio of painter Emyr Williams. Asked about an interest in controlling elements in the paintings, Williams remarks that control in painting means "Having an intent, so it’s not random. It’s the choice of how I want particular colours to appear… […]