Connie Fox @ Danese/Corey

David Cohen reviews the exhibition Connie Fox: Sammy’s Beach at Danese/Corey, New York, on view through April 19, 2014. Cohen writes: "Sammy’s Beach… is [Fox's] Mont Sainte Victoire… Her current in-depth show at Danese/Corey, mostly of works from the last few years and the near-nonagenarian painter’s first with this gallery, unites three distinct groups of […]

Benjamin King @ Longhouse Projects

William Eckhardt Kohler reviews a show of recent paintings by Benjamin King at Longhouse Projects, New York, on view through April 25, 2014. Kohler writes that King's paintings "resist easy categorization, slipping fluidly back and forth between material-based abstraction and Mother Earth inspired landscape. Matter and Mother are both derived from the same root word, […]

Berger, Seidl, Wethli: Planes of Awareness

Steven Alexander reviews an exhibition of paintings by Emily Berger and Claire Seidl and Mark Wethli (in the Project Room) at The Painting Center, New York, on view through April 19, 2014. Alexander writes: "It would be hard to imagine three artists who are more simpatico and yet distinct… The intimacy of the Painting Center space […]

F. Scott Hess: Retrospective

Megan Abrahams reviews the recent F. Scott Hess Retrospective at Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery/Barnsdall, Los Angeles. Abrahams writes: "The de facto point of figurative painting, from the primitives to the present, has been the documentation of human life and history. Yet questions of who, what, when and where frequently only yield superficial information. The […]

Ben & Winifred Nicholson: Art & Life

Eleanor Birne writes about Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Christopher Wood, Alfred Wallis, and William Staite Murray, whose works are featured in the exhibition Art & Life 1920-1931 at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, on view through Birne writes that in the show "Winifred and Ben’s paintings from the ten years in which they lived together are hung […]

Gene Mann @ Andrew Edlin Gallery

Edward M. Gómez reviews an exhibition of works by Gene Mann at Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York, on view through April 26, 2014. Gómez writes: "While Mann’s formal language may be largely abstract, her approach to making art is not self-consciously filtered through any canonical styles or theories. If anything, it has been informed over […]

John Mills: Interview

Alli Sharma interviews painter John Mills whose work will be on view at Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monica, CA from June 7 – July 5, 2014. Mills comments: "I really do appreciate Calder’s simplicity in his constructions. There is freeness and a wonderful focus on a level of form that is very beautiful and poetic. […]

Gili Levy: Studio Visit

Paul Behnke photo blogs a visit to the studio of painter Gili Levy. Behnke notes that Levy's "mostly, large oil paintings have their origins in figuration and immediately convey the intimacy and depth of feeling she has for her subjects. But Levy is a painter first, and it's easy for the viewer to come ungrounded […]

Rochelle Feinstein: Interview

Noor Brara interviews painter Rochelle Feinstein about her recently completed series of paintings, on view at On Stellar Rays, New York through May 11, 2014. Feinstein comments: "The 'Love your work' phrase is something that I'd heard for years, and I think it's still in play. It's one of the most awkward phrases to use […]

Kadar Brock: Interview

Alex Bacon interviews painter Kadar Brock about his work which was recently on view at Gallery Diet, Miami. Commenting on the development of his painting process, Brock notes: "I was making these marks, and I was painting over them, and I was essentially starting to treat my paintings in literally the same way I would […]

Matisse from SFMOMA

Jed Perl reviews the exhibition Matisse from SFMOMA at The Legion of Honor, San Francisco, on view through September 7, 2014. Perl writes: "Matisse has been so assiduously promoted by generations of critics, curators, and historians as the prophet of the big, bold, knock-your-socks-off decorative canvas that it can come as a wonderful surprise to […]

Ron Gorchov: In Conversation

Nathlie Provosty talks to painter Ron Gorchov about his work and career. Gorchov remarks: "I really think that painting is about space and proportions and where things go; it’s what painting is. Form, if it isn’t the right color, it is not in the right place. And you know you can actually change the relationships […]

Natalie Frank: Interview

Dasha Shishkin interviews painter Natalie Frank about her paintings and her new series of drawings. In the drawings Frank comments: "I had to fight against my figurative impulse and learn how to trust my own creativity and imagination for the first time since I was a child. The drawings became this place where I could […]

Logan Grider: Mixed-In Tensions

Rob Colvin reviews the exhibition Logan Grider: Untitled at David Findlay Jr. Gallery, New York, on view through April 12, 2014. Colvin writes that in Grider's recent work, "an elegant grace seems to have intervened in his commitment to muscle his way through what one might consider Modernism’s unfinished business… There’s little evidence of the artist […]

Ruth Miller Forge & Stuart Shils: In Conversation

Stuart Shils talks to Ruth Miller Forge about her paintings on the occasion of the recent exhibition Elisa Jensen & Ruth Miller: Place and Passage at the New York Studio School. Miller comments: “I’m not interested in describing the object. I’m interested in presence, the weight, the mass, relationships. It’s not about describing things. I […]

Four New York Shows

William Eckhardt Kohler reviews four current and recent exhibitions in New York: Eleanor Ray at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects (through April 20), Daniel Rios Rodriguez: Crosseyed and Painless at Sargent's Daughters, Patrick Keesey: Partial Recovery at Blackston Gallery, and Pius Fox: We Expected Something Better Than Before at Pablo's Birthday (through May 4). Kohler […]

Wols & Charline von Heyl @ the Rose

Liza Bingham reviews the exhibition The Matter that Surrounds Us: Wols and Charline von Heyl at the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, on view through June 8, 2014. Bingham writes that the show "brings together two German painters, one a 20th century maverick-visionary, the other a contemporary art star. The point of connection between the […]

John Millei @ George Lawson

Julia Couzens reviews an exhibition of paintings by Jon Millei at George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, on view through April 19, 2014. Couzens writes: "Millei’s surfaces are a uniformly coherent layering of thick over thin, gloss over chalky, ethereal matte. His painting is driven by his concern for physical truth, with particular attention paid to […]

Ida Kerkovius: My World is Colour

Anna McNay reviews Ida Kerkovius: My World is Colour at Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, on view through April 27, 2014. McNay writes: "For Kerkovius, who is probably best known for her intensely rich pastel drawings, the two most important aspects of her work were always colour and form. She spoke frankly about her avoidance of details, saying […]

Joanne Greenbaum @ Rachel Uffner

John Yau reviews an exhibition of paintings by Joanne Greenbaum at Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York, on view through April 20, 2014. Yau writes: "Greenbaum’s paintings are animated by different kinds of color-coded circuitry that overlap and snake around cutout shapes and stair-like structures. It is an incredibly difficult balance riddled with disruptions. Paul Cezanne opened […]