Tyler Green talks to painter Katharina Grosse about her work and current exhibition Wunderblock at the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, on view through September 1, 2013.
Speaking about making painted work to be exhibited in the context of a sculpture collection, Grosse remarks that her works are "something that's maybe not sculpture at all but that nevertheless uses volume and space as a location to show what I'm doing. So I'm not dealing with gravity, I'm not dealing with the truth of material but I actually paint on sculptural surfaces." Discussing technique she comments: "when I'm painting on a surface I don't destroy the surface but the surface is always there in its primer function, but at the same time it gets another quality that has to do with imagining an image, that is in the widest sense maybe an illusion. So it is not pigment, but it's not a garden, it's not a landscape, but at the same time you can see all three of them in it."