Piri Halasz reviews three exhibitions of works by Jules Olitski: Revelation: Major Paintings by Jules Olitski at American University, Washington D.C. (through December 16), Jules Olitski On An Intimate Scale at George Washington University, Washington D.C. (through December 14), Anthony Caro and Jules Olitski: Masters of Abstration Draw the Figure at Freedman Art, New York (thorugh February 2, 2013).
Halasz writes: " 'Revelation' is a distinguished show, a fitting tribute to a major master. I had a better time at 'Jules Olitski on an Intimate Scale,' at George Washington University’s Brady Gallery. Not expecting as much, I was surprised and delighted by all these enticing little pictures, dancing up & down along the walls in a masterful installation. The informality of the show was very appealing, particularly after the comparatively stiff and dignified atmosphere of the Katzen Center show. Rightly or wrongly, I felt closer to the artist at the Brady."