In a fascinating interview entitled Translating the Planet Into Something Visible painters Mario Naves and Josh Dorman discuss Dorman's new work and studio process.
Dorman notes: "When I'm working, I don’t think about my location in art history or in today's art world. I'm inside the act of painting, cutting, pasting and drawing. The art I see in museums and books filters into this process. In this regard, the writing of Italo Calvino has been particularly inspirational in the last few years. In both Invisible Cities and If On A Winter's Night A Traveler he creates multiple simultaneous realities. Time shifts constantly, moves backwards, ceases. Space and scale are also unfixed: cities can be microscopic, paper-thin. They can mirror themselves underground; they can be inhabited by the dead."
The exhibition Josh Dorman: Lost Divers is on view at Mary Ryan Gallery through October 22, 2011.