Joanna Pousette-Dart: Centering

Lilly Wei reviews Joanna Pousette-Dart: Centering at Lisson Gallery, New York.

Wei observes: “Schooled in a modernist aesthetic, Pousette-Dart soon veered away from non-objective formalism to a more personalized, independent aesthetic. Abstractions sourced in landscapes and painted on multi-paneled shaped canvases have been her calling card since the early 1990s. They are also marvelously quirky—no one else makes paintings quite like these. What is new is that although consisting of two sections, the surface of each work appears unified, the sections meticulously fitted into each other, unlike many of her previous works in which the parts are stacked and distinctly visible, pulled slightly apart to thrust dynamically outward at the edges, with a nod to totemic structures.”