Zachary Keeting and Christopher Joy visit the studio of painter Joan Waltemath.
Discussing her Torso/Roots paintings, Waltemath comments: "They're roughly based on the torso proportions of the body, so that you can have a physical interaction with them as opposed to an intellectual or an image-based response… the physical being in the world is a primary way of knowing the world… I'm really interested in how the body understands the world and how we perceive through movement. It's not a static thing. Photography privileges the single viewpoint but for my work I need multiple viewpoints for you to see it… for me it's a way to keep… your audience awake…" She continues noting the significance of percieving the paintings from multiple viewpoints and in different light: "… you're going to notice that something's different and you'll see it, because when things stay the same in your environment they just become a function of memory and not of perception."