Brent Hallard in conversation with painter Jeffrey Cortland Jones.
Hallard begins the dialogue by noting that Jones' works are typcially "no larger than 14 inches on the high side, and the fact that the internal dynamics don’t really push beyond the borders, urges us to focus on what is there, with our eyes and our shoulders: it’s here we do most of the work. It’s an intimate world that we enter, a cave full of reserve and refrain. The paintings are close to white, are anything but white, are minus dilemma, loss, void, end, or struggle-in-sight with purity. We enter simply, plainly, and form a bond – between the thing and ‘we’ the observer. The way we enter is ‘slow’ until slow catches up, and then it’s fast… to find a world of things that could have flitted by if we hadn’t stopped and noticed."