John Seed talks to painters Hearne Pardee and Gina Werfel on the occasion of their two-person exhibition [ he said, she said…] at Adler and Co., San Francisco, on view through December 4, 2013.
Pardee and Werfel are married and both teach at UC Davis. Werfel remarks: "We have shown together in the past, however, in different contexts, where our work tended to be treated as solo shows side by side. The Adlers have hung this show differently, where the show's title (he said, she said) truly speaks to the differences/similarities in each of our works, and yet our works are investigating similar issues, such as a figure in space, a set of abstract colors and forms jostling for space. My works fracture space and form, whereas Hearne's hold forms together in a solid envelope of space. I love what a painter friend said about the show… that it is a call and response kind of pairing."