Greg Goldberg: Color of Light

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Mary Negro visits the studio of painter Greg Goldberg on the occasion of the exhibition Greg Goldberg: Northern Light at Stephan Stoyanov Gallery, New York, on view April 17 – May 31, 2013.

Negro begins: "There is a welcoming demeanor to Greg Goldberg’s bright, airy Manhattan studio that compliments his own as he places canvas after canvas on the wall and explains his process. He observes how color changes with different light throughout the day. The linen texture of his square oil paintings gives each piece a natural grid structure as he slowly builds the compositional architecture of each work. Combining loose, geometric blocks with sweeping, gestural brush strokes, the dynamic and free form shapes are applied with a veiled precision. This apparent ease actually emerges from intense deliberation about what colors should be placed next to another, and how the moods of different parings harmonize or develop tension."

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