Piri Halasz reviews Carolanna Parlato: A Delicate Balance and Sandy Walker: Stehekin Poems at Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, on view through February 13, 2016.
Halasz writes that Parlato's "earlier work … was conspicuously (if attractively) dripped and/or poured." In this show Halasz adds, "Parlato employs acrylic and molding paste to create many small to medium-sized, irregular but rounded, solid and tidier shapes on canvas." Walker's works, Halasz notes, "are constructed mostly with short, straight green lines scrubbed back and forth: they look something like scratches and even more like pine or spruce or balsam needles… It is as though the artist wanted to create an image with a double level of meaning: on the one hand, it is a macrocosmic branch or even a whole tree, but at the same time it is a microcosm of the needles on that tree."