Beauty Fierce as Stars

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John Seed interviews co-curators Karen Zullo Sherr and Sue Steel about the exhibition Beauty Fierce as Stars, Groundbreaking Women Painters 1950s and Beyond at Mythos Fine Art and Artifacts at Firehouse North, Berkeley, CA, on view through June 21, 2014.

Seed writes that the exhibition features "works of women painters who were active in the Bay Area art scene of the 1950s. It is [the curators'] hope to bring forward the achievements of women who were often 'behind the scenes' in an era largely dominated by men. The show also includes the works of notable women artists who followed in subsequent generations." Beauty Fierce as Stars includes works by: Ariel, Bernice Bing, Adelie Landis Bischoff, Nell Blaine, Lyn Brockway, Lisa Esherick, Mary Fabilli, Lynn Faus, June Felter, Lilly Fenichel, Lin Fischer, Deanna Forbes, Jane Freilicher, Sonia Gechtoff, Ann Morency, Ursula O'Farrell, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, and Deborah Remington.

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